QardioArm blood pressure monitor and QardioBase smart scale review

Know thyself. That’s what the Oracle said to Neo in The Matrix; it’s a ancient Greek saying that was originally written on the temple of Apollo at Delphi. The spirit of those words has given way to a more literal reality: we can know ourselves inside and out better than we ever have before. I’ve spent the last four years using data gathering devices like my FitBit and Apple Watch wearables, and my FitBit Aria scale, to know the inner me–literally. Today we’re looking at two products from Cardio that are a step up from anything I’ve used before. I like them a lot. Read on to find out why.

4 reasons why you should upgrade to an electric toothbrush

Why should you upgrade to an electric toothbrush? They clean your teeth more efficiently and have built in timers so you know how long to brush.