Shelly’s Friday Favourites raids the garden for back to school dinner...

I love fall: the leaves falling from the trees, the crisp, fresh air, and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes back in the stores. After this long, hot summer we’ve had with very little rain, I was so happy to turn the page to September. The one thing I’ve really been looking forward to is getting back into my cooking routine. We’ve been eating so casually for so long because of our home reno and the heat, I literally can’t wait to make a huge meal. What I’m not interested in is doing a lot of dishes, and that’s why I’ve been sourcing out some great one-pot meals for everyone to try.

Evenflo Triumph LX: The comfortable carseat that fits

There’s a challenge many convertible carseat seeking parents face: Fitting the seat in your car. With some seats two or three times the size of your child, space becomes an issue in the back seat of your car in a hurry. The Evenflo Triumph LX 3-in-1 Deluxe Convertible Car Seat not only fits with a compact, yet safe seat design, but it’s capable of supporting your child from the time they first sit in a car seat to the time they’re ready to sit without one.

5 reasons why muffins are the perfect food for back to...

With the new school year right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about quick and easy snack ideas for those seemingly endless brown bag lunches. But rather than simply tossing in a granola bar and an apple, why not think out of the box and add a delicious, homemade muffin to your kid’s lunch bag? Here are five reasons why muffins are the perfect food for back to school.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites fuels your kids for back to school

Getting back on a schedule, making sure the kids have enough to eat, and making sure it’s healthy is a lot to take on for any parent, but there are a few recipes you can use to ensure you’re on track every day. The bit of extra time you’ll spend preparing them instead of grabbing a granola bar from the store will work out in the wash, because you’ll spend that much less time feeling guilty for what you’re kids are eating.  

Muffins are perfect for lunches and snacks

Muffins can be the perfect food for lunchboxes as a meal or a treat. They were always a staple in my household growing up so if course I make them for my boys now too. Anytime I put a muffin in my boys lunchboxes I know it will get eaten and I don’t have to worry about them going hungry at school.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: 5 Dinner Recipes Using a Muffin Pan

The saying goes, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Don’t judge a muffin pan to only make muffins. We’ve posted the most amazing breakfast meals you can make with a muffin pan. Now, it’s time to talk dinner. New ideas can help shake up the menu of the week, plus it’ll make it easier to serve your entire family and any uninvited guests. Here are my five favorite dinner ideas using a muffin pan.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites has a few ideas for back to school...

Like it or not, there’s no denying that back to school has arrived once again. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were all celebrating not having to come up with another lunch for kids who were sick of the ‘same old, same old?’ I know by the end of June I was ready to pull my hair out because my kids were sick of everything, but now that I’ve had some time away from the daily lunch grind, I’ve got some great ideas for back to school lunches. 

5 Breakfast Ideas Using a Muffin Tin

Breakfast is the most important meal. Every nutritionist will boast to eat (something healthy) within two hours after waking up. Now that back to school is here and you’re going to be in a bigger rush than the summer month, here are five fast and easy breakfast recipes using a muffin pan. 

6 Ways to Use Mint

Mints! Not the surgery candy treats you get at the restaurants but the herbs grown in the garden.  Mint compliments our guilty pleasures like cocktails and ice cold treats, but it also gives a nice kick to any meal. Not to forget, it makes refreshing beverages that are both satisfying and detoxifying. Let’s get started on the 6 ways to use mint: 

Homemade Ice Cream Treats To Die For

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!    The summer ain’t over yet (thank goodness), and the heat is a perfect excuse to have more ice cream—not like that stops you in the winter! But when it’s hot outside, the chimes of the ice cream truck make your inner child jump for joy. Here are 5 cool treats you can make at home.