Sense-U Video+Breathing baby monitor 2 review

The Sense-U Complete baby monitor uses a clip-on monitor, base unit, and video camera to give parents peace of mind when baby is sleeping.

New baby gear for fall 2016

Along with the leaves falling from the trees, Halloween, and a return to jacket and socks weather, fall brings with it a whole set of needs for your baby and toddler. From stroller and car seat covers, to sleep sacks and clothing, here's some new gear for baby this fall.

A brief history of the baby stroller

In its short 300 year history, the stroller has come a long way. In fact, prior to the 1700’s, the go-to mode of transportation for a baby was a hip. That all changed in 1733 when the Duke of Devonshire asked a well-known garden architect, William Kent, to build a means of transportation that would amuse his children. In response, Kent designed a shell shaped basket on wheels in which the children could sit. Equipped with a harness so it could be pulled by a goat or small pony, and springs, so the Duke’s children could ride in comfort, the first “baby carriage” was born.

How to choose the right baby monitor

The baby monitor has been an invaluable addition in my house. Even now with a 2 1/2 year old that sleeps peacefully, I can be there in a hurry when she has a bad dream or gets sick. Finding the right baby monitor is an important step for new parents. With dozens of monitors all touting their own unique bucket of options, deciphering what you need and don`t need can be quite the task. In this blog, we will discuss some of the important questions and features to consider when looking for a baby monitor.

Explore some fun and useful dad hacks with Justin Pasutto

Justin Pasutto explains some useful dad hacks that will help anyone enjoy parenthood more and stay productive during the day.

Remember these essentials when out with your baby

Every parent has had that moment when you realize you forgot to pack something essential in the diaper bag. Here is a handy checklist to help.

10 things I wish I knew before having a baby

You’ll be bombarded with advice from so-called experts in child-rearing once you announce impending parenthood. But even with all of the advice, reading, and research, there are still things you don’t quite truly understand until your little one arrives. That said, I’ve broken down 10 things that I wish I knew before having my son.

Cosco Apt car seat review

The Cosco Apt 40 car seat is a simple yet effective convertible seat for infants and the early toddler phase alike

Enter to win and make any mom feel special on Mother’s...

Moms will get special treatment on Mother's day and your mom will feel extra special if you win one of the three huge prize packages in this contest.

Review of the Bentley Convertible 6-in-1 Smart Tricycle

The smart and savvy Bentley Convertible Smart Tricycle is extremely versatile, easy to use, and very solid for years of use as a stroller, then a fun trike.