LG SmartThinQ laundry machines come with state-of-the-art technology that provides status updates, and lets you control them from anywhere using your smartphone, as well as voice.
You can select the desired cycles, and get notifications when a load is done in either the washer or dryer so you know when you remove it. Or, set clothes to tumble a bit longer until you get home to avoid wrinkles. Set up is simple using the LG SmartThinQ app.
The LG SmartThinQ app that controls your LG Smart Laundry can also control LG Wi-Fi connected Smart Kitchen Appliances. You can control your home from the office, while waiting to pick up the kids, in the drive-thru, or even when away on vacation.

Ever put a load of clothes in the washing machine, then forget them? It’s happened to everyone. The LG SmartThinQ Smart Home Laundry appliances help you avoid this issue.
Status updates are sent to your smartphone via the LG SmartThinQ app once a cycle has finished. This reminds you to switch them over to the dryer, take clothes out of the dryer for folding, or remotely set the dryer to tumble for an extra half hour until you get home so the clothes or bed sheets don’t end up with wrinkles.
Not only can this Wifi laundry capability save you time, but it can also help keep your clothes fresh and clean so they aren’t sitting wet in the washing machine for hours, sometimes even requiring a re-wash, or remaining half-dry in the dryer.

Who ever said you needed to be home to do laundry? While the machines won’t actually put the clothes, linens, or towels inside for you, you can control a wash or dry cycle remotely.*
Use the LG SmartThinQ app to start a wash or dry cycle from anywhere with a wireless connection. Keep your workout gear or jeans tumbling on delicate while you run out to the store, or set the washer to have your wash ready to go into the dryer when you get home.

In addition to controlling many LG SmartThinQ washers and dryers using the LG SmartThinQ mobile app, you can also control them by voice using the Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices and virtual assistants, creating your home of the future.
Manage the loads by voice to up the cool factor in the home, and allow for hands-free operation while you multitask. Ask Alexa or Google a question about the machines from your living room; ask about the status of the current wash, or tell it what you need the machine to do, like initiate a cycle, or stop the wash so you can run down and add in a last minute item.
* The ability to remotely control a cycle using the LG SmartThinQ app is available for the following models: LG WM3500CW 5.2 cu.ft. Front Load Washer; LG DLE3500W 7.4 cu.ft. Dryer; LG WM3700HVA 5.2 cu.ft. Steam Washer; LG DLEX3700V 7.4 cu.ft. Dryer; LG WM5000HVA 5.0 CF HE Washer; LG DLEX5000V 7.4 CF Electric Dryer; LG WM9000HVA 6.0 CF HE Washer; LG DLEX9000V 9.0 CF Electric Dryer; LG WT7200CW 5.8CF HE TL Washer WH; and the LG DLEX7200W 7.3CF Electric Steam Dryer.
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