Best Buy has the tech
you need to achieve the seemingly impossible. Ever wanted to go skydiving? Ever dreamed about free-climbing to the top of El Capitan? Or how about creating your own catchy dance video and watching it light the internet up? We get it. We at Best Buy believe that technology has the power to help you reach your goals, whatever they are.

We all have goals we want to achieve, milestones we want to hit, or amazing experiences we want to live. But sometimes life throws us a curveball, and we don’t always see an easy way of reaching our goals. Thankfully, technology has advanced to the point that, if we have a goal, there are devices that can help us achieve it.

Watch the video below to see how we helped one customer see the possibilities of tech and create a special experience for her mother, then read the rest of this article to learn how you or someone you love can have a chance to win a $750 Best Buy gift certificate to bring each of you closer to achieving your goals.

anything is possible contest banner image

Discover what’s possible with new tech from Best Buy

Do you have a dream that can become a reality with some tech from Best Buy? Perhaps you want to learn a new skill like creating your own clever app for phones and tablets—you might need a new laptop. Or, if you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument you can order a guitar or piano online and in a few days you can get started!

Perhaps you have been wanting to help a friend or family member get closer to realizing their dreams and this article has provided the inspiration you needed. There is no better time than right now to take that first step toward your goal, or to help someone else take that first step toward theirs. We are giving away valuable gift certificates in this contest that you can put toward anything sold online or in-store at Best Buy.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter once for yourself and once for someone you know:

  1. Leave a comment below this article and tell us one of your goals and what tech available at Best Buy would help you realize that “Anything is Possible.”
  2. Send an email to “ AND CC a friend or family member so they are aware that you entered them in this contest. In the subject line put: “Anything is possible with Best Buy contest” and in the body of the email tell us who you are nominating to win this contest and what tech available at Best Buy you think will help that friend or family member realize that “Anything is possible.”

NOTE: do not put your friend or family member’s name or personal email in the comments below; they should only be mentioned in the email.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner from all comments left on the blog article for this contest (French and English) AND randomly select two winners from all nominations sent via email. Each winner will receive a Best Buy Canada Gift Certificate worth $750.

This contest runs from June 3th until July 9th.

Remember you can enter once for yourself in a blog comment AND once for someone you know and love and want to have a chance to realize their dreams in an email as mentioned above.

Anything is possible with tech Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. The new tech is 3D printers. I love that Best Buy is selling these. In the future I hope this be a consumer device that everyone owns (with environment friendly filaments of course!)

  2. We’re travelling across Canada in a van so looking to update WIFI and security system in the van – since it will be our home on wheels for a few months. NETGEAR Nighthawk Mobile Hotspot Router is top of my list.

  3. I am going to be outfitting my house with all new technology, from a smart home system to appliances to entertainment. We have just built a new house and will need to outfit everything from scratch! Best Buy has everything we need and your $750 gift card would help us get started!

  4. One of my goals is to start my own website and a new laptop from Best Buy would help me realize that “Anything is Possible”!

  5. One of my goals is to be able to work from home after my maternity leave is up. A new laptop would help make that possible.

  6. One of my goals is to digitize our family slides and negatives. A film and slide scanner from Best Buy would help with my goal.

  7. Still coming into the 21st century and need a Smartphone to keep connected plus and ipad. Thank You.

  8. I am hoping to retire next spring & not one to sit idle & needing additional retirement income, I plan to start my own small business. I will need a good computer system & software, printer, scanner etc. I’ll need a lot of advice from the reps at Best Buy regarding what would best suit my needs.

  9. I would like to upgrade my laptop so that I can keep in touch with family in other parts of the country and overseas. My old laptop has a hard time running Zoom when there are several people on the call. I know Best Buy has a large selection of tech to choose from. Thanks!

  10. The Echelon EX-3 Connect Bike sounds fancy – it would be great to have a nice bike like that in the winter to keep us fit.

  11. J’aimerais ça avoir un ordinateur pour école car j’en ai aucun chez moi et j’ai pas les moyen d’en payer un car c’est trop chère.

  12. Definitely a new laptop – probably a MacBook – for my son, he’s just at the right age where he’d love his own technology.

  13. i’ve been trying to find one of those virtual reality things for my cousins birthday but they are all sold out so this is my last resort and i really cant belive how far we have come with tech from sending an email to being in a virtual world the possibility’s are endless

  14. My main goal this year is to learn a new skill and that skill for me is to take an online tax course to learn how to do my own tax returns. I feel like this goal is reachable for me because I know I can do this course and pass it if I had the necessary tech to do so. I have to admit, it was a great feeling today when I was surfing the internet and this “Anything is Possible with Tech from Best Buy” contest found me because to reach my goal I need a laptop and unfortunately that is definitely not in the budget today or in the foreseeable future. As noted above sometimes life throws us curveball and boy this is a good one!! So, thank you Best Buy for making the impossible possible for myself and many others!! Good luck everyone!!

  15. Home security is a must for us, as we are getting older. Plus we love Best Buy for their services and support. We shop there for our grand children for all their computer needs so they can teach us how to use them

  16. Our monitor for our home computer recently bit the dust. I would love to upgrade to a laptop, because it’s portable and is faster to download.

    • One of my goals is to feel what virtual reality feels like. A oculus quest 2 would be nice.

  17. My 9 year old laptop finally died a year ago..I’m using my phone for EVERYTHING, it isn’t healthy for my phone.:( lol

  18. When you live a busy life as a Healthcare worker, then come home and need to vacuum and clean is stressful. It would be nice if you get home and see that floors spotlessly clean by ROOMBA vacuum (that would be dream come true)

  19. I’d like to make better videos for my students to help with their learning and tech like the Yeti USB Microphone and a new laptop with more memory would really help!

  20. I would like to go to school for architectural design and require a high tech computer to run these programs efficiently.

  21. A laptop for Dad. His is 7 years old and can’t even run Microsoft Word anymore, that’s how slow it is!

  22. I would really like to get VR so I can play Blade and Sorcery or other sword fighting games. As someone who takes sword and shield lessons it would give me valuable practice time plus fun since no one else in my house can help me train at all.

  23. My goal has always been to build a pc. Never had a good gaming system my entire life so I’m looking to change that. The new RTX 30 graphics card at Bestbuy would definitely help me towards this goal.

  24. Hello, im a stranger on the internet. Flown in a wave of comments, and yet. Destiny is among us here. Anything being possible is what got YOU here, but. To answer the question. I would love to experience virtual reality using the oculus quest 2. I want to feel the rush of doing anything, and the feel of skydiving or going to the moon, all while sitting on my couch, not having to pay a cent higher than the games price, and that sends me on countless rides of it. I don’t have to repay, and it gives me a little test run before going and actually doing it. So yes, I would love to have a Oculus Quest 2.

  25. My ultimate goal is to leave the world better than when I entered it and with Tech I believe that it will give me the most potential to do so.

  26. I’d like to win a VR Standalone device – Oculus Quest 2! I think that “Anything is possible” with this thing because of entertainment and enjoyment you get from diving into many different, new, undiscovered and intriguing worlds, ones that become a unique experience to each and every person who jumps into VR for the first time. Some of these worlds mean social interactions and new friends, meanwhile others mean a new thrilling adventure, waiting for us. Yet as was mentioned before – VR allows us to access many different types of activities and my personal goal is sport.

  27. Trying to get into VR so I can finally “see” my brother who lives in Alaska. its been 10 years.

  28. Recently built a new PC, so looking to upgrade my monitor to make sure I can compete at the highest level in gaming! Interested in looking at a high refresh rate, low response time monitor.

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