There are few homes in Canada that do not have an appliance from KitchenAid. Perhaps it’s a blender or a hand mixer. Perhaps you recently discovered the versatility of the new KitchenAid cordless appliances. We wrote about these on the blog about a month ago. Read on to learn more about these appliances and to find out how you can enter for a chance to win one.
KitchenAid has the appliances we use every day
What is your go-to small appliance? For me it’s the coffee maker. I use it everyday. But I also bake regularly; for that, I prefer the hand mixer over my stand mixer or hand blender. Perhaps it’s just habit, but I like to use the hand mixer for most mixing tasks. My only problem with it is actually one that KitchenAid just solved: the cord sometimes gets twisted or is just in the way.
Shelly just reviewed several new KitchenAid appliance including a few KitchenAid cordless appliances. She was very impressed with the freedom in the kitchen that these allow. I can imagine making fewer messes by carrying the mixer straight to the sink and removing the beaters there, rather than over the counter.
KitchenAid appliances just become a part of a recipe
My wife does this all the time. She’ll be making one of her favourite recipes and she’ll ask me to “get the KitchenAid” out of the cupboard. “Which one?” I respond and she looks at me like I’m on another planet and should just know which appliance goes with this recipe. Whether it’s a food chopper, a blender or whatever, these appliances become a necessary component of the cooking process. Are there any recipes that “require” a very specific appliance that you can’t do without?
We sent out some great new KitchenAid appliances for reviews and now that those appliances have returned to my office, we want to give them away in this contest. Perhaps one of these will become part of your daily cooking routine.
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy and you can enter once here below this article and once below the article announcing these four appliances. In a comment, tell us what is your favourite KitchenAid appliance and is there a favourite recipe you make with that appliance.
What you can win
At the end of this contest we will select seven (7) winners to get one of the seven appliances that had been sent to a blogger for a review:
2 KitchenAid Cordless Hand Blender (Red)
2 KitchenAid Cordless Variable Speed Immersion Blender (Red)
1 KitchenAid Cordless Food Chopper (5 cup – Red)
2 KitchenAid 1.66L 1200-Watt Stand Blender with 16oz Personal Blending Jar (Silver)
This contest runs from Oct 11th to Oct 26th.
Remember you can only enter once below this article and once beneath the announcement article for these appliances. However, your family and friends likely also want a chance to win a great KitchenAid appliance so share with them. If they win I’m sure they will bake you something wonderful to say thank you.
Win a KitchenAid small appliance Contest Rules and Regulations
Good Luck.
Kitchen Aid blender for making smoothies
Kitchen Aid 5 Cup Cordless Food Chopper is what I would like to win and add to my kitchen.
I grow a garden so it would be wonderful to use this for all kinds of vegetable dishes.
Definately the 1200 W stand blender
the stand mixer for sure. Use it for making sourdough Babka
My favourite is the hand blender, which is great for making different types of smoothies!
love the stand mixer … my specialty … cheesecake
KitchenAid 1.66L 1200-Watt Stand Blender is good for smoothie.
KitchenAid K400 Blender for making smoothies
KitchenAid 7-speed cordless hand mixer would be great for baking cupcakes
I love the red hand mixer and I’m make the best richest banana bread. ❤️
I would love the KitchenAid Cordless Hand Blender (Red) and I would use it to make my favorite smoothie (spinach, greek yogurt, peanut butter and almond milk)
Kitchen Aid blender (K400) for smoothies, purees and various sauces.
KitchenAid 1.66L 1200-Watt Stand Blender with 16oz Personal Blending Jar (Silver) is my favourite KitchenAid appliance. I would definitely make our 1st favorite pumpkin soup and 2nd strawberry smoothies for the whole family.
the KitchenAid 5 Cup Cordless Food Chopper–great for making coleslaw
Great quality love it
KitchenAid 7-speed Cordless Hand Mixer would be great to bake cakes.
The KitchenAid K400 blender to make salsa and dips
Immersion blender. Great for making creamy soups on a cold winter’s day
I would like the kitchen aid blender.
I would like the kitchen aid blender
I love the extra power that these appliances orovide
I love my KitchenAid Immersion Blender. The whole family loves the roasted butternut squash soup that my daughter and I make together.
Any Kitchen Aid appliance is welcome in my kitchen but I would love to win the food chopper to cut down on prep time or the Immersion blender for my delicious Leek and Potato soup.
Favourite is the Kitchen Aid blender and I use it for making protein smoothies.
The KitchenAid Cordless Hand Mixer would be great for mixing the batter for chocolate cupcakes.
Great quality love it
My favourite appliance is the KitchenAid Cordless Variable Speed Immersion Blender. I use it make great homemade soups. My favourite soup is Cream of Mushroom. use the blender to make it so smooth & creamy!
love the silver 1200w stand blender…for making those healthy smoothies during the long dreary winter months, to stay healthy
I would love the blender or food processor for smoothies / purees
We love our KitchenAid Food Processor and use it to frequency to make homemade pesto.
I don’t have any KitchenAid appliances, but I would love a KitchenAid stand mixer so I can make bread among many other more taxing recipes.
I have a KA stand mixer which is a couple years old now. I use it numerous times a year for large batches of cookies, and cheese bites. Chocolate chip cookies, snicker doodle cookies, and shortbread cookies account for close to 30 dozen goodies which fill the freezer for consumption over the holiday season. Would say the blender would be my firs choice, bu any KA product would be welcome in my kitchen.
The kitchen aid blender would be great for fruits and veggie smoothies every morning!
Would move the cordless variable speed immersion blender for a great fresh fruit smoothie!
Love the stand mixer for baking
The KitchenAid Cordless Variable Speed Hand Blender is the most handy.
I love the stand mixer to make cakes!
Love our stand mixer!!
I adore the blender I myself don’t have one but my cuz does and it’s amazing and we love mixing avocado, frozen pineapple, almond milk and a bit of honey for taste.. always makes amazing smoothies.. you don’t get better then kitchenaid❤️
My favorite is the food chopper. Ideal to use to make coleslaw and chop up vegies.
My favourite Kitchenaid appliance is the hand blender. I use it to make soups.
I like the food chopper and it would help chopping our veggies for soups.
I love the blender and make smoothies with mine.
Have seen family members and friends using kitchen aid hand blender. Wish I could have appliance that can mix flour Dough, so my kids can enjoy h me made pita and I can have little freedom from unbearable arms pains, but I can only wish.
I like the KitchenAid 5 cup food chopper. Would make meal prep much quicker !
1200 Watt blender for smoothies
love the red
The Kitchen Aid blender would be a great and Smoothies are my go to
My favourite KitchenAid appliance has got to be the KitchenAid K400 stand blender with 16oz personal blending jar. I’ve been dreaming of a blender that would power through my favourite smoothie recipe: beets, carrots, mango, apple, and hemp hearts! Although, I must admit my favorite recipe repertoire would increase were I to win… non-dairy milks, home made nut butters, baking mixes… Christmas is coming, and I’ve been very good this year. Please pick me?
We need all the above as kitchen things break easy in our home
The KitchenAid Cordless Food Chopper so I could chop veggies for stew.
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