Sony has entertainment covered in so many ways. You likely are keenly aware that their televisions are among the best in the world. And Sony headphones are in a class all by themselves, especially when it comes to noise cancellation. Did you know they are equally admired for their home audio components? Read on to learn more about Sony home audio, then enter for a chance to win a Sony A5000 450 Watt sound bar, Sony SW3 subwoofer, and Sony SA-RS3S speaker pair prize.
Sony delivers sound all around with 360 spatial sound mapping
Sony audio components synergistically contribute to a fuller listening experience. I don’t mean louder, I mean an experience that transforms the standard two dimensional experience of watching a movie or concert into a whole room immersive event. The prize we are giving away in this contest is a great example of Sony audio innovation. It all begins with an amazing HT-A5000 sound bar. On its own, the sound bar will astound you: it’s packed with up-firing speakers, side tweeters, and subwoofer for a 5.1.2 channel package that neatly fits below your television. On its own, it drives heart pounding rock & roll or mind mellowing jazz throughout your room, surrounding you with balanced full-range sound. On its own, it will make you feel that time has become irrelevant.
Add in a couple more components, the SW3 subwoofer for deeper bass, and the SA-RS3S back channel speakers, and get Sony’s 360 spatial sound mapping to awaken your audio senses to the possibilities of listening nirvana. Our ears have been waiting, craving for this. Read Jason Gorber’s honest review to learn his objective opinion: he said, the combination of sound bar and speakers that we are giving away in this contest, “may be the best you can buy.” We sent this system to Jason and now it’s ready for us to give away in this amazing contest.
Will you turn it loud or keep it mellow
Do you have a debate in your home about how loud the TV should be? Or how loud the music should be? I have to admit, I like it loud more often than my wife. However, I also like to hear nuance. Sometimes, when my wife asks me to turn down the volume, I get more out of the music, more of the nuance of the music, and am transported more into my happy place than I had been before turning it down.
I would love to test out this system to see if the music I thought I liked best at full volume, might become more pleasurable due to Sony’s 360 spatial sound mapping. Maybe I don’t need to watch 007 or listen to Dark Side of the Moon at 100 db anymore. How about you? What would you want to try listening to using this system to see if you hear it better at a different volume than before? Enter this contest and you might get to win the chance to find out.
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.
- In a comment below, tell us what movie or musical artist you would like to hear through the Sony audio system, and let us know if you’d play it really loud, really softly, or somewhere in between and why.
- For up to three (3) additional entries, create a public post on a social media channel (one entry per channel!) telling your friends and followers that you are entering to win a great prize from the Best Buy Blog’s Sony sound bar contest; include the hashtag #BestBuyContest, so we can find your post, and include a picture of the prize like that shown here. Then return here and tell us in a comment below, on which channel you posted it and the name of your channel (since many people use pseudonyms) so that I can check and verify your entry. You can use any social media channel (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc) but the post must be public so we can verify it is there. Add one comment below for each social media channel for up to 3 contest entries.
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we’ll randomly select one winner to receive the same Sony Audio system that our bloggers tested which includes a Sony A5000 450 Watt sound bar, Sony SW3 subwoofer, and Sony SA-RS3S speaker pair.
This contest runs from April 19th to May 3rd.
Remember, you can enter in two different ways as discussed above. Let your family and friends know on social media, on the phone, and in person that Best Buy has the best contests with the best prizes like this amazing package from Sony.
Win the Sony sound bar audio system Rules and Regulations
Good Luck
I’d listen to ACDC really loud!
making my way through the marvel movies, so that’s what i’d be watching
I would watch Dora the Explorer with my son
Honestly, any artist would be great, but I would start with Corey Wong. Great band with some great tunes. Would also love to watch any of the Nolan Batman movies as well.
Nomadland moderately loud!
Would Love to listen to this watching a Metallica concert really loud! Just because I could.
I would like to hear Ed Sheeran through the Sony audio system, and I’d play it softly because it really brings out his vocals and the acoustic tones of his music.
Would be awesome to win this!
METALLICA, really loud for sure!!!!
Leonard Cohen softly
Stephen McQueen in Bullitt.
I’d play it somewhere in between and why. My hearing is getting bad but I think the speakers would make up for that.
METALLICA, really loud!!!!
Raiders of the Lost Ark, I would play the theme music loud because it just sounds great.
Posted on Twitter @Boberto2794
Rage Against the Machine, loud
Definitely Pink Floyd, and loud because their music sounds amazing and blesses my ears.
I’d play “Air Supply’ and i;d play it loud becauseI’m hard of hearing
Interstellar – Loud because I never got to see it in theatres
Belle and Sebastian! And I’d play them somewhere in between because that is how there music sounds.
Id finally be able to turn off subtitles
I WOULD LISTEN TO DRAKE REALLY LOUD so i can feel the rhythm of the beats
I would watch Star Wars and I would like to hear through the Sony audio system, I’d play it really loud.
I would listen to Leonard Cohen softly so I can enjoy hearing the lyrics.
Gotta be Bruce Campbell from the Evil Dead, Baby. Shop smart, shop S-Mart!!!!
I would listen to Keith Urban between soft and loud volume, just right. He is my favourite and i like to have songs playing in the background while i don housework and chores.
I would play Imagine Dragons loud but not too loud to annoy the neighbors
Definitely some BTS
Posted on instagram under @ashleyamugford
Michael Buble – somewhere in between loud and softly – so it would be like being at his concert.
Posted on Twitter by @AshleyAMugford
Posted on Facebook under Ashley Mugford
I would blast Eminem because I love his music and love the bass!
Kanye West, loudly, because that’s the mood for today! 😉
I would loudly play something funky
I’d listen/watch the Marillion DVD performance of the live concert with the orchestra. It would be a little bit louder than the neighbors might like to hear all the instruments.
I would watch The Sound of Music. Not too loud, not too soft. Somewhere in between, so It can be enjoyed to the fullest.
Dune 4K – play it really loud
The stones – very loud
I would listen to The Rolling Stones very loudly
I would watch Moana with my daughter, moderately loud.
I’d love to watch any of the Star Wars films really loudly because I enjoy the fanfare
i’d watch all my horror movies really loud
I’d watch Saving Private Ryan at a medium-high volume, just for the beach landing scene.
Jazz in general!
I would watch the lord of the rings trilogy somewhere in between
I entered on Twitter @xaxlxyxsxsxax
I would listen to Ed Sheeran and have the volume somewhere in between! Not too loud or too quiet!
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