LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.
Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer
You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?
How to enter
Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.
This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.
Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.
Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
check emails and texts on one and watch youtube or instagram on another
surf the internet and text!
emails and read books
Texting on one screen and reading news on the other.
Games and emails!
I would have my grandson show me how I should use them. Then I am sure he would let me watch him and his brother play games on both screens
Games & Guides! Super handy
Emails on one screen and read my book on the other.
My husband needs a new phone. I bought one for him for Christmas but he made me return it as he says he doesn’t need it. I think he does. The bottom part of his screen of his current phone is jumbled and cannot see it. He would surely accept a phone I didn’t have to pay for. He can check emails and surf the web at the same time! Thanks for the opportunity Best Buy!
Watch a movie on one and text down below!
I’d text on one screen and deal with my emails on the other.
I would be able to use maps on one screen and view webpages on the other!!
Would live to read on it
Texting on one screen and gaming on the other
This is a great phone
Netflix on one side and playing games on the other! or flyers on one screen and grocery list on the other!
Definitely would be great to be able to see two screens at once….I would be texting and reading emails at the same time…..
I’d use it to play games on one side (Candy Crush Addict here) and the other side to FaceTime
It would be so great I would use one screen to watch video another to answer emails! It would my life that much better!
I’d use it to capture difficult pictures at work of machinery and what not . I work in maintenance at a grain elevator
I’d have one screen for texts, the other for surfing the web.
watch my shows on one screen and message my friends on the other.
I would watch YouTube while texting or scrolling through Facebook
Dual screen phone could be best utilized by me and my spouse simultaneously as neither of us have a smart phone.
one screen is never enough one for games one for sms thanks
Je jourais à mes jeux et je pourrais aller faire des recherches en même temps sur Google
So many different ideas pop in my head to best utilize this phone! I could use a flyer app on one side and point offers on another side to make my grocery shopping more efficient.
Games, emails, movies, youtube
I could have my grocery list on one screen and my husband can text me the items I missed on the list with the other screen.
Oh gosh, I would probably netflix on one side and text on other.
I would have my emails on one side and sports on the other, perfect!
regarder des vidéos sur un écran et discuter avec l’autre écran..Merci pour ce concours et Bonne Année a toute votre équipe.
Text on one side and Netflix on the other
“Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners.”
LOL, I guess I would have a picture of my partner and children (and my mom) on one screen while I do whateverelse on the other. I would hope that I would use it in a way which would make my tech time more efficient so that it would free up family time. It is a fancy phone – I would give it to whomever would make the most of it – I suspect it would go to one of the academics in the family.
First off thank you for the chance 🙂 I would gift this to my boyfriend so he can do his work and also be able to call me at the same time. He could use it to make his music and watch a show opportunities ade endless
I would do two things at once
Personal and professional! Texts on one screen and e-mails on the other! So cool!
I would play emulators on one side and have walkthroughs on the other!
I would watch Netflix on one side and text friends on the other.
I would use the duel screen to do a bit of work and play at the same time. I would be keeping an eye on the stocks and watching videos on u tube. Sounds like this would be a great phone.
I would play my crossword games on one screen and answer messages on the other.
I would gift this phone to my husband! Over the last year he made the huge decision to go back to school, leaving an industry he has been in since he was a teenager, so he can follow his dream. He transitioned into a new career in Real Estate. He is forever multitasking through his phone and laptop, looking up information while in conversation and texts with various people. I didn’t even realize this phone existed and think it would be absolutely the perfect fit for him! I would love to show my support for him with this very awesome giveaway!!
answering text?
I would watch movies and answers messages on the other .
As a senior it would make it easier for me to be on the phone and still be able to access other things with out having to worry about disconnecting the the person
I’d give it to my brother, not sure what he’d do with it, but sure tht he would use it for sure.
I would watch a youtube video of someone making a recipe, while following said recipe at the same time.
I could watch the Toronto Maple Leafs on one screen while watching the Toronto Raptors on the other screen on nights when the games overlap.
I would watch YouTube on one screen and message my friends about what I’m watching on the other!
I would use the dual screens on the LG G8X Smartphone by watching my favourite shows on one screen and keeping on top of my texts/emails on the other. Fingers crossed!! Thanks Best Buy 🙂
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