Renovations were once just about paint, new mouldings, perhaps new windows or new carpet. These days, however, renovations are just as much about new tech! Jillian Harris had the Geek Squad experts at Best Buy assist her with this phase of her new home renovations. Her home is now smart with smart appliances, a smart home audio system, and the latest smart home tech—all from Best Buy. Watch the video and read on to learn how a few easily installed items turned Jillian’s new home into a smart home.

Smart homes have cool tech

Like Jillian, I too recently moved into a new home and the first thing I did was add smart home features like smart cameras and of course a Google home. Those additions immediately made my home smart and also cool. Watching the video above you’ll see one cool tech item after another. In fact, click ahead, or click backward and you’ll be shocked to find that almost every few seconds there is a different awesome technology shown. Perhaps the coolest thing is that anyone can easily add at least one or two of these for very little expense to their own home!

Smart cameras in the nursery and Google Home in the bathroom

The video is basically a day in Jillian’s life, and the tech that makes her day a little easier. There is tech to help her with her baby, from the Samsung tablet next to her bed from which she can see and hear her baby through the Nest Cam in the nursery, (which we later learn is cleverly positioned at the top of a stuffed giraffe—also found at Best Buy!), to the fantastic, incredible Miele range with build in microwave (I love this range!) Jillian uses to warm the baby bottle.

Her fiancé, Justin, does not seem impressed with the amazing Sonos sound system being used to wake him up, but he seems quite happy with the Google Home in the bathroom telling him what the weather in West Kelowna will be that day (I wonder if his electric toothbrush came from Best Buy), setting the Nest thermostat as he pleases, and using a tablet to control “his pride and joy” Rachio smart irrigation system to keep his lawn green.

[Justin also shares some of his favourite “dad hacks” in this article!

Cool new appliances

Appliance technology has really changed in recent years, as I wrote about in a recent article on this blog. I already mentioned my affinity for the Miele range in Jillian’s kitchen. In fact, I think you’ll be impressed with all of the appliances shown. Imagine how fast laundry would be with the super-versatile LG Steam washer with sidekick washer beneath that Jillian mentions is great for baby clothes!

Be sure not to miss the 2 KitchenAid wine fridges near the dining table! Who wouldn’t want to have one or two of those (full of wine of course) in their home? In fact, Jillian’s home has beverages covered in the morning too, with the Miele coffee machine.

Amazing home theatre options

Honestly this is where the term “high tech” really comes into play. In the video Jillian shows us her new Samsung Frame TV. One of the most frequent comments we get on Best Buy’s blog (especially when I run a contest) is people saying they need a new TV. Well this is the new TV I need (okay I don’t think you have to need a new TV to want this in your home—it is that cool!) When not showing a stunning 4K television image, it displays artwork from around the world. Beautiful artwork. It’s a brilliant idea. No more black screen on the wall. Instead, eye-candy for everyone to enjoy.

Smart homes are most importantly convenient

Jillian shows how great new tech can blend in seamlessly with your home decor, and make life simpler. I was impressed with how in each frame of the video the newest technologies, like the range, coffee maker, double washer, thermostat etc. don’t stand out any more than the Macbook Air on which Jillian completes her daily blogging. They are just part of her life, each technology conveniently there to make raising her child, feeding her family, even watering her lawn a bit easier.

I think we can all get some inspiration from the renovation that Jillian completed with the help of Best Buy and Geek Squad. If you are planning to redo a room, no matter if it’s a kitchen, laundry room or a bathroom, you may see a take-away from Jillian’s reno to help you add a little more convenience to your home, with some new technology. Of course, the video only shows a sampling of all of the tech that Jillian added to her home (that’s right, there is a lot more!). So as you plan changes in your home, stop in a Best Buy and ask the Geek Squad agents there to help you select the tech that will make your home smarter.

One last thing: I love all of the tech mentioned above and have to say the Frame TV is definitely my favourite. Tell us in the comments which one is your favourite. Yes, I know, it’s a tough decision so you may have to mention more than one, and that’s okay too!

Photos from Jillian’s home provided by Mackenzie Jane Photography

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.