Anyone with an underground sprinkler system would benefit from owning a Rachio smart sprinkler controller. It’s a major upgrade from a timer controlled system. The setup is straight-forward and the freedom and advanced functionality will solve your watering woes. Learn about some of this smart device’s great features then enter for a chance to win one.
Inch by inch your garden will grow better with Rachio
There is a classic song appropriately called “Garden song.” Not the one by Phoebe Bridgers; the one written by David Mallett and made famous (for me at least) on the Muppet show with guest John Denver. “Inch by inch, row by row, Gonna make this garden grow,” it begins. That song makes it sound so easy.
Growing a garden is not easy. I wish it was. Every year it’s something different. This year the arugula went to seed after less than two weeks. My onions got smothered by poppies and Burdock. And don’t get me started on the tent caterpillar infestation. The biggest challenge every year is water. The beginning of the season was wet. Last year it was too dry and hot for anything to survive. For two years before that the growing season was very long and very consistently warm. We need to respond differently each year, sometimes each day to the challenges of keeping the garden moist, but not soaking wet.
What is a smart garden
My dream garden would get water when it needs it, not get watered when it doesn’t, and I would not have to be in the garden every day to make that happen. That’s the promise of a smart garden that Rachio makes a reality with the Rachio 3 Sprinkler Controller. A timer is not smart: it just sends water along a tube at the same time each day for the same amount of time. That’s dumb. What if it’s raining? The timer still waters wasting water and potentially drowning the crops. What if it’s particularly hot? The amount of water doesn’t change.
Rachio is smart. You can connect it to Wi-Fi then use your phone to adjust all the settings at any time from anywhere in the world. You can set individual watering schedules for up to 8 different zones. If one section gets more sun than another it makes sense for it to get a different amount of water. A timer doesn’t do that. Similarly, a timer doesn’t check the weather forecast in your area before watering your plants. Rachio does. Read Shelly’s detailed discussion of the benefits of using a Rachio smart controller then return here to enter for a chance to win one.
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.
- In a comment below tell us one reason why you would want to win a Rachio smart controller for your home.
- In a comment below Shelly’s article, tell us one thing you learned about the Rachio Smart Sprinkler controller in her article or video.
What you can win
At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner from all eligible entries to receive a new Rachio 8 zone sprinkler controller.
This contest runs from August 12th until August 28th.Â
Remember that you can enter in two different ways. If you have friends or neighbours who love to garden, perhaps even obsess about their gardens, then tell them about this contest so they too have a chance to win.
Win a Rachio R3 8-Zone smart sprinkler controller Rules and Regulations
we would never have to worry about making sure the whole yard is watered
I’d love to win the Racchio Smart sprinkler controller as with 8-zones we could set schedules for both our lawn and various garden plots.
I need this badly. I have three thirsty greenhouses that I water by hand-hose and to say it’s less than thrilling standing there with a hose, watering, and the continual pee triggers on my bladder, I am ready for some technical assistance! 8 Zone better watering? That better be a thing! My bladder will thank you.
I learned that the Rachio R3 8-Zone Smart Sprinkler Controller lets you schedule your watering according to plant type and sun exposure.
We love to travel so having a Rachio smart controller for our home would give us so much peace of mind while we’re away.
I’d love it cause I’m 77 and it would make my gardening a lot easier.
It would be great to be able to control the sprinklers remotely.
Because if I am in a hurry and forget to water my garden I can control it remotely
I love that it automatically adjusts to your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you.
I love that it makes gardening easier and that it can be controlled remotely.
lets you schedule your watering according to plant type and sun exposure
This will allow me to water the lawn while I am at work
Being able to set it and forget it.
While water is abundant here in Canada, we need to preserve it for future generations! Rachio would be a great tool for that
water conservation, identifies your local weather, adjust your water schedule for you
It would be great to control the speakers by remote.
I would love to win this watering system because it would allow me to water the grass where and when needed.
It would easier to maintain my garden
Great that it adjusts your water schedule based on local weather conditions – How convenient
I would love to win as it would make watering my garden so much easier as I am often out in the summer and forget to water.
because you can control it remotely
I spend far too much time moving sprinklers. Our summers are hot and the lawns and gardens need to be watered each day. Would be good to maybe do it at night.and save all that manual labour.
This would be ideal for watering my lawn and flower garden from my phone.
One thing that I learned about the Rachio Smart Sprinkler controller in the article was that with the built-in technology, it lets Rachio fix your watering schedule based on the long-range weather forecasts in your areathe
What an amazing tool to keep your yard looking grreat1 The Rachio weather intelligence plus technology is so wow!
Can Control Remotely with your Phone, so can check Weather from away from home & determine if you need to Water or not!
Great that it adjusts your water schedule based on local weather conditions – How convenient!
Looking for redo my backyard and would love to use it to help me rebuild it.
car il ajustera votre programme d’eau pour moi
Looking to automate my lawn maintenance
I want to win a Rachio smart controller for your home because it can check the weather forecast in my area before watering my plants.
It identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you
It identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you
It is helpful as it identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you
because it will adjusts your water schedule for me
It has been so hot this summer I have had to water my vegetable garden once sometimes even twice each day. This sprinkler would be so convenient as I would not have to go down to the garden and turn on the hose each day.
Having many flower gardens and a vegetable garden, this would be very helpful in maintaining them
Because it identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you.
Because it identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you.
Uses satellite, radar, and other weather data to help you plan your watering schedule
it identifies your local weather conditions and adjusts your water schedule for you.
I would love to win this to give to my mother as she has turned the whole yard into one big garden and this would allow for easier watering.
I would love this sprinkler so I don’t have to remember to water the flowers and vegetables when needed.
I would love to win this for my landlord, I keep telling him we are growing tomatoes not lobsters!
I would like to win because I often forget to water our garden when it needs it. Sometimes, my plants dry out and my mini crops don’t grow like they should.
To grow a dream garden and maintain it.
8 zone better watering + Rachio Weather Intelligence Plus technology for water conservation
The Rachio R3 8-Zone smart sprinkler controller would allow me to have the beautiful lawn I want with effective and efficient watering.
8 zone better watering + Rachio Weather Intelligence Plus technology for water conservation
we are redoing the backyard with new grass.. I’ll need that for the first weeks
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