You are very likely to find a gift that will make your mother very happy from the vast selection of smart home items at Best Buy. I call this contest the “Glow, grow, and show contest” because I’ve selected a range of smart home items to make any mom happy that either glow (Smart Lights), grow (Smart Garden), or show (Smart Display). Enter for a chance to win this prize package that includes 11 great prizes.
What do mothers really want
My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology. And I’m okay with that. As an employee at Best Buy, I kind of have an edge in that department. If I was going to choose something for her, it would likely be a Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own. If she didn’t want it, she could just give it back to me. I’d be okay with that too because she would be happy to know that I am happy with it.
Maybe you see where this article is going. We included a great selection of smart home technologies in this prize package, so that you would be able to find something there to give to your mom. She likely won’t want all of those prizes: so you can happily keep the rest. Your mom wants you to be happy … so, it’s a win-win scenario!
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us one smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for your mom and one different item perfect for yourself.
What you can win
One winner will take home this great selection of smart home devices: 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters, Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack, Facebook Portal 10″, 3 Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, Philips Hue smart plug, and Philips Hue Play Light Bar.
This contest runs from May 4th until May 18th.
Remember you can only enter once but with so many items in this prize, share this contest with your friends and they might share the prize with you (and their mom!).
Win a Smart home package for your mother Contest Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
For sure the Facebook portal for my mom so she can chat with my dad seeing he is locked down in his senior home and I would use the sound bar !!
A smart planter for me and a Hue smart plug for Mom.
My mom would love the Botanium smart planter, it would be fantastic.
My mom would love the Google Nest Cam and the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planters for myself.
The botanium smart planter sounds perfect for my mom, I’m pretty sure she would love it. I would prefer the Philips bluetooth LED lightbulb.
I would like a google home nest hub max and my mom would probably would like the smart plugs since my parents have a smart speaker already . Thanks for a chance to win.
The Botanica self watering for me because I’m a gardener and I have a ton of plants to care for and the security for my mom!
The smart planter would have been perfect for my mom and the nest cam for me.
mom could sure use the Google Nest Camera for door, and I can use The Google Assist in my home
My momma has passed on
So I will put my daughter in her ace because she’s a great mom too ❤️
For her i’d choose the smart planter, she can’t keep a plant going for the life of her and for myself o choose the nest cam.
Happy mothers day all the moms and super dad’s out there.
Google nest cam for my mom and self watering smart planter for little old me
Philips Hue Play Light Bar for me and Botanium Smart Planter for my mom!
My mom is gone..but I know lots of people who are mom’s that would truly appreciate any one of these Myself included !
OOOoooo… the Nest Cam for my Mom, & the Facebook Portal for me!
My mom would love the Smart Planter and I would like the the Smart planter as well.
A small smart to would be very nice. Still using one of the big old tv’s.
The Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera would be perfect for both my Mom and myself.
titanium smart planter for her and a 43 inch smart hdtv tv for me
Happy mother’s day to all the mom’s out there. My mom would love to have the Facebook Portal 10. For myself I’d like Botanium Smart Planter I’m always on the go. Thank you for this chance to win.
Facebook portal would be great for my mom. I’d love the smart planter.
Looks awesome. Love win it.
I would “share” all but the Botanium Smart Planter – this is something I would love to try myself. Happy Mothers!
The Facebook Portal would be perfect for my awesome Mom!
My mother is in definitely like light bars
My momma would love any of those items but most likely the light bulbs. Thank you!
google nest cam would be great for my mother
The Smart planters would be perfect for my mom and for me. We both love our plants!
My mom loves plants. She comes to town everyday, sometimes stays in town so it would be wonderful for her not to have to worry about her plants with a botanium hydroponic self watering planter. My house could really use the smart door lock and doorbell camera.
That’s easy! I just bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite e-reader. My Mum is 97 and can’t see but she would love an audio book e-reader.
My mom passed away years ago but my daughter is a mom and she could use the Facebook Portal 10″ and I could use the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Cam
My mom would love a smart tv. And for myself a laptop
My Mom is going crazy without seeing people – the Facebook Portal would be perfect for her. For me I’d love to add the Nanoleaf lighting to my smart home setup.
My mom would love the Facebook Portal 10″ as she loves to facetime and chat with family and friends. I would like the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters as I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life but I feel this would help them survive.
My mom would love the Botanium Hydroponic Self watering smart planter (she kills everything lol), and I would love the Google nest hub max with google assistant!
Love to win this. Thanks Best Buy
The Good Nest Cam would be super for my mom
I believe my mom would love the Facebook Portal – so important to see your loved ones even though you can’t “see” them up close and personal during this time. I would love to have the Nest Cam.
I would love to get a Portal from Facebook! My mom would love one too to keep in touch with everyone during this Covid-9 isolation time!
I am a mom would love the tv and everything else looks amazing thanks for the chance
I would love the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters and my mom would love the Google Nest Camera! Thank you for the chance to win! Happy Mother’s Day!
My mom would love a google nest to help ease her technology stress. I would love the Google nest hub max with google assistant.
I need a smart security and mother will be happy with the smart garden
My mother passed away 5 years ago but I still have some of her plants at the house so the Botanium Smart Planter would be perfect to put them into.
the Google Nest Cam is perfect for my mom & for myself.
My Mom would love the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter. She’s always afraid that the plant will die at least this way it has a fighting chance. LOL
I would love the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters and my mom would love Google Nest Camera, thank you for the chance to win! Happy Mother’s Day!
A Facebook Portal would be so nice for me and my Mom!
The Phillip’s Hue smart plug for my mom and the nest cam for me.
My mom would love the Facebook Portal 10” and I would love the Nanoleaf Canvas Expansion Pack. Thank you for this amazing opportunity especially during these challenging times!
Contact info Instagram: gurjotmanes
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