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Get Those Dishes Sparking Clean with a Dishwasher from Frigidaire

According to the history books – or what are now more commonly referred to as Wikipedia pages – the first mechanical dishwashing device was patented in 1850. It wasn’t until one hundred years later that they started appearing in the homes of the wealthy. Since then, the dishwasher has evolved from a luxury and a status symbol to an absolute necessity in any modern kitchen. And as a brand that has been in the household appliance business since the early 1900’s, it makes sense that Frigidaire has a strong foothold in the consumer dishwasher market. 

Review: Summer treats are easy with the Zoku Quick Pop Maker

Have you ever wondered what’s in those store bought popsicles? I’ll skip the secrets and just go ahead and tell you that besides water, the only other real ingredient is sugar. Not just one type of sugar either – the last box I picked up had both sugar syrup and corn syrup, not to mention other artificial ingredients to give them colour and flavour. That’s why the Zoku Quick Pop Maker is one small kitchen gadget I don’t want to be without this summer.

Choose a new range from LG Canada

There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to shopping for a new kitchen range.   Whether you’re  looking for electric or gas, you’re a sophisticated chef or simple cook, or you’ve got a large or small budget, LG Canada has got the ranges to suit your kitchen.

5 Tricks to Make the Most of a Small Bedroom

Decorating small spaces can be quite a challenge. This is especially true of bedrooms. You obviously need the basics – a bed, lighting, and storage for your clothing and ever-growing collection of shoes – but sometimes the basics aren’t quite enough. Just because you’re tight on space doesn’t mean you have to be tight on style. With close to twenty years of urban apartment living under my belt, I’ve dealt with my fair share of small spaces. Here are my top 5 tips for making the most out of a small bedroom.

Strawberries, peaches, and blueberries for dessert – Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Strawberries, peaches, blackberries, and blueberries – those little gems of the fruit family are nutritious on their own, but when you bake them up and wrap them in buttery crust or turn them into an icy-cool summer dessert? That’s when summer really kicks off at my house.

Pick up a new fridge from LG Canada

The fridge has come a long way since the first electric version was introduced to consumers in the early 1900s. Since then, it has evolved from an air-cooled refrigeration unit mounted on top of an icebox to an energy-efficient appliance that is one part form and one part function. Keeping perishable food items from going bad is only part of the equation.   Today, consumers are looking for a refrigerator that meets the unique needs and preferences of their family while still looking darn good in their kitchen. That’s where LG Canada comes in. As Canada’s number one selling fridge brand, LG has a range of designs and features to meet even the most discerning of tastes, and now, they’re available at Best Buy.

Mother’s day gifts that will make mom feel special for years and years

It’s worth starting off by noting that every mother should be appreciated, and have that appreciation shown, all year long. Putting that aside, and assuming that you’ve already made the obligatory tray of breakfast in bed, remember that no mom will deny (secretly or otherwise) that receiving a nicely-wrapped package is a great way to show your appreciation, too. Here are a few great gift ideas for some of the likely types of moms on your list:

Spring cleaning your PC

Like many Canadians, I’ve spent the past few weekends spring cleaning. Something about being largely stuck indoors through a particularly long and harsh winter (including nearly a week without wired Internet access when an ice storm took out cable service in my neighbourhood) makes the first warm day of April seem like it’s past time to get things done. We open the windows, break out the rakes and start cleaning, indoors and out. Cars are washed, windows wiped and carpets shampooed. Since I have the cleaning bug anyway, this is the perfect time to clean my PC –also, both “inside” and out. The result will be a computer that’s faster, cleaner, more energy efficient, less cluttered and a pleasure to use.

Space saving home offices

I’m one of those people that like to pack the most amount of living into the least amount of space. By that I mean that I like to have all of the areas I need – corner library, play area, and even my home office, all set up on my main floor so everything is accessible.   Not every home office has to be a full room full of furniture, shelves, and filing cabinets. Some of the best home offices are simple, stylish, and compact. Here are some solutions for creating a great home office without taking up a ton of space.  

Whip up delicious desserts with BlendTec Blenders

A friend of mine received a BlendTec blender for Christmas this year, and after going over to her place and seeing it on the counter, I had to ask her if she had any idea of all the cool things that this particular blender could do.  After all, BlendTek blenders are known as the ‘blenders that takes blending more seriously.’