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Review of Definitive Technology SuperTower Bipolar speakers

I’ve had a variety of audio setups over the past seventeen years (it almost scares me to write that) from home theatre-in-a-box solutions to quality bookshelf options. Having the Definitive Technology BP-8060ST Bipolar Supertowers in my home was a unique experience… and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Review: Fallout 4, welcome to the Boston Commonwealth Wasteland

Bethesda is well known for their large open world games, with the Elder Scrolls series and now the ongoing Fallout series. The world of Fallout is a desolate wasteland after nuclear war in the year 2077. So grab a Nuka Cola and get ready to leave the safety of the vault, because Fallout 4 is the biggest and most ambitious Fallout game yet!

Review: Mass Fidelity Relay – A Hi-Fi Wireless Receiver that Really Rocks!

There are many wireless audio options out there, like Sonos, Airplay, Bose Soundtouch, Dennon HEOS, and many more. But they all require connecting up to “their” system using an app on “their” devices. But if you already have a good stereo system that sounds great and simply want to wirelessly play music on it the Mass Fidelity Relay may be just the ticket! Here’s why.

Spring home remodel projects part 2: the home theatre

Spring’s a time when we think about starting fresh. The weather starts to turn, things start to grow, and we start taking stock of our lives and our homes. Spring is also a time when many of us take a look around our houses and want to make changes. Our spring home remodel series is a great place to get some ideas for your next project, and this week, I’m going to look at how to jazz up (or create from scratch) a fabulous home theatre.

Best Fitness Devices for Students

As a university student, you do a lot of running. You run to class, from class, across campus to get to your next class on time even though you know you’re going to be late no matter how fast you run, to the bus or your car to get to your part-time job, back to the bus or you car so you can get home and study, and repeat. No wonder I didn’t gain any weight in my university years! So to keep track of all those calories burned, and to keep you motivated when all you want to do is curl up in a corner and sleep, here are what I consider to be the best fitness devices for students.

Pioneer X-CM32BT Micro System Review

The Pioneer X-CM32BT Micro System is a relatively compact little unit that can be deceiving. If asked to describe where it lands in the crowded arena of audio playback systems, I’d have to say it lies somewhere between massive amplifier/receiver systems and compact all-in-one mobile device docking stations. It reminded me of hi-fi systems of a couple of decades ago, but in a much smaller package. The system will play many audio formats and media. Radio, CD’s and digital audio files (MP3/WMA) are all supported.

Car tech for commuting fun, safety and productivity

For some, the car is more than just a tool, it’s a way of life. There are commuters on the road, parents shuttling kids from long school days to endless activities, and road trippers for whom a traffic jam is an opportunity to slow down and take it all in. No matter which profile you fit, there are gadgets you can stash in your car to make life easier.

How to configure a surround audio system like a pro

Buying a fancy surround audio system doesn’t mean anything if it’s not set up correctly!

Mini Computer Roundup

Think small, then think even smaller: mini computers are ready to find a place in your daily computing life. Here’s a quick overview of what they are, what they are not, and what your options are.

Moving Tips: Packing and unpacking your electronics and home theatre

“Write a blog about moving your electronics and home theatre tech. It should be detailed.” Considering I’m going to be moving my tech pretty soon, I think my editor picked the right guy. Whether you’ve got a TV and a Blu-ray player, or you’re packing up huge swathes of gear, this is the article for you. Let’s get cracking shall we?