Populele ukuleles offer something that I haven’t seen from a stringed instrument: a smart learning experience so you can start creating music faster. The ukulele is already a great instrument to begin your musical journey: they’re great for children too, but not just for children. I never played one before trying the green uke shown in the image above and I found it extremely easy to learn a few songs. In this article I’ll give an example of a song I learned and recorded today while preparing this contest article. You’ll find a variety of colours of the Populele 2 at Best Buy and we are giving away a white one and the green one I used in this contest.

What are the benefits of a smart ukulele

The Populele 2 is a great sounding instrument that offers something you won’t find elsewhere: it is smart. Yes, tech sites throw that word around a lot and it applies in some cases more than others. There is no denying that this ukulele is smart thanks to its integration with the Popumusic app that can light up the notes to play on the fretboard. Before I get into some details i suggest you read the review by Darren Blakeborough posted on the Best Buy Blog. Darren does a great job explaining the features.

One interesting point Darren brought up is that he had always thought there must be a way to apply the features of the game Guitar Hero to learn how to play a real instrument. Populele has figured it out. Their app offers a selection of activities, including Guitar Hero style gamification, to accelerate anyone’s learning. I tried Jason Mraz’ I’m yours and in a few minutes I had learned the chords and strum pattern. At first I was terrible. But in a few minutes I was able to sing along. I then took my newfound uke skills to learn a song I had never played: Billie Eilish’s 8. I recorded it after a couple of practice runs.

Ukulele music is more popular than ever

This song that I just played was new to me: I’m more of an eighties/seventies music person. In fact the first song that I played using the Populele 2 was Peaceful Easy Feeling by The Eagles. However, when I searched for new songs to play there were hundreds of options from which I selected the Billie Eilish song. I saw her on SNL once and really liked her tone, so thought I’d give this one a try.

What song would you play first if you win one of these awesome instruments? Perhaps you don’t want to win for yourself. Many parents put their children in music lessons at this time of year; you might be thinking that this is perfect for your child. Consider these questions as you enter this contest!

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.

  1. In a comment below tell us who you are entering this contest for—yourself, a child, a friend (first name only please)—and what song you think should be played first on it if you win.
  2. In a comment below Darren’s review article, tell us one thing Darren talked about that you like best about this musical instrument.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we’ll randomly select two (2) winners. One will get the white Populele 2 that Darren tested for his review article, and the other will get the green Populele 2 that I tried.

This contest runs from Sept 9th to Sept 25th. 

Remember that you can enter in two different ways.  Tell your family and show them Darren’s video and my video so they see how great this musical instrument is: they’ll definitely want to enter this contest too.

Win a Populele smart ukulele Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I am very happy to announce the winner(s) of the Populele 2 ukelele:

    Amanda P – Riverport, NS
    Barry K – Campbell River, BC

    Keep reading blog.bestbuy.ca and get great informative articles about a wide range of topics from tech to toys, from smartphones to style. Participate on the blog by asking questions and offering your expertise to the comment sections of articles you read. And enter more contests: you never know when we will get more great products to give away.

  2. This contest is now closed. We will draw the winners soon in accordance with the rules. Return to the blog often to read great articles, learn about the latest technology, and to enter more contests. You never know when we’ll be doing another amazing giveaway!

  3. Doug Mc
    I’m entering for myself. The first song should be “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”
    (Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s version) but I think I’ll have to start with something simpler.

  4. I would be entering this contest for myself! I have always wanted to learn how to play the Ukelele and this would be the perfect opportunity 🙂 My first song that I would be practicing and (hopefully) playing soon would be once of my favs, Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole.

  5. I am entering for myself. I would like to try something Christmassy, like Jingle Bells. Thanks for the opportunity!

  6. My dad can sing various songs, play guitars and pianos. These great products would be beneficial and helpful for him to play wonderful music! Thank you!

  7. Darren sang about feelings. I would gift this to my granddaughter Emma who will be eight in a few weeks. Her feelings for music seem to be strong, maybe her first song should be happy like Inky Dinky Spider.

  8. The ukelele would be for me and the staff of the activity department of the seniors care centre where I work as a activity facillitator. The first song I would play would be “Aloha Oe” during our “Travelling The World” theme luncheon.

  9. The lighting up of the fret board is such a brilliant idea for learning. I would get this for myself and possibly gift it to my nephew Ian when he’s older. First one I would try “Island in the sun” by Weezer, has that Ukulele vibe to it.

  10. id love to win this for my friend Emma. She has recently tapped back into her musical gifts and has been playing her violin, and other instruments and singing, after years of not playing… I think she would really appreciate this Smart Ukulele to add to her music. I think Dreams by Fleetwood Mac would be her first song choice!

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