No longer just for adventurous thrill seekers, camping experiences are now as diverse as the range of outdoor gear from which you can choose. Enjoy toughing it out in the woods after a day-long hike? There’s nothing like testing your wilderness skills through survival camping. Looking to enjoy nature while remaining comfortable? “Glamping” provides the luxury of relaxing in nature without sacrificing homey comforts. And, let’s not forget the good ol’ family camping trip where precious childhood memories are made. Whether you’re a solo adventurer or family camper, Best Buy has a wide selection of outdoor gear to suit your nature-loving desires.
Sleep soundly with durable tents

For many, especially those with young children, a good tent is one that is easy to set up and take down. It’s much better to be relaxing in a lounge chair while watching the sunset, or partaking in some outdoor fun knowing that your tent is ready to go when night falls. Tents that come with pre-attached poles or clip suspension systems are easy to assemble. While not always a hard-and-fast rule, tents that are quick to set up are also generally easy to take apart and store. If you’re going for a camping trip that lasts several days, chances are you’ll be looking for space-efficient tents to make room for other essentials. For ease of storage, look for tents that come with a compact transportation bag.
Aside from simple assembly, preferable tents are also durable—from both weather and bugs. It’s no secret that part of camping is embracing all that the wilderness has to offer, but there’s nothing like a mosquito swarm to ruin a good night’s sleep. Nowadays, lots of tents are made with a no-see-um mesh for bug-free ventilation and polyester that endures through harsh weather conditions. With sun protection becoming a hot topic, tents that are designed with ultraviolet protection are also preferable. With a weather resistant and bug protected tent, you can spend hours relaxing in your private corner of nature.
Rest comfortably with sleeping bags and inflatable mattresses

While it’s tempting to try toughing it out overnight on rugged ground, there’s no shame in wanting to rest comfortably on a soft surface while camping. For most of us, camping is, after all, a recreational activity. And that means we must prioritize enjoyment in the form of comfort. Just like at home, a padded and elevated sleeping surface can lead to better rest.
To avoid the hassle of finding an electrical outlet, I prefer inflatable mattresses that come with a hand pump. Look for one that has large valves, making it easy to deflate at the end of your camping trip. Inflatable mattresses are particularly suitable for summers when it’s too hot to cozy up in a traditional, heat-insulated sleeping bag. Bring a couple of light-weighted blankets for summer nights, and you’ve got yourself a snug but heat-adjustable sleeping setup. If you’re still more of a sleeping bag person, look for one that has double fillings of polyester, creating more padding against the hard ground.
Enjoy nature while lounging in camping chairs

While I do enjoy physical activities, I also take great pleasure in lounging around. Preferably with a book that’s been on my reading list for weeks. And a cool drink coupled with some of my favourite snacks. Sturdy, snug, and versatile camping chairs are highly desirable gear for overnight excursions. A good camping chair must be able to balance itself on uneven terrain. It should also be versatile enough to act as a table. Imagine having a comfy chair but nowhere to place your drink of choice—you might as well be sitting on the ground!
For better stability, look for camping chairs built with steel frames. Most camping chairs also come with a side tray or cup holder, freeing your hands so they can participate in some campfire charades or clap to the beat of the next campfire sing-along. For those who want to go all out, the ultimate seating luxury is a camping chair that comes equipped with a cooler. Interested in a more partner, friend, or child-friendly seating? Camping chairs with side-by-side seats allow for comfortable lounging with loved ones.
Quench your thirst with coolers and filtered water bottles

Coolers are necessary during summer months when you’d want a refreshing drink or to keep food from spoiling. They can also be heavy and bulky, taking up sizeable space in your trunk. With this in mind, the best coolers are designed to be multi-functional and portable.
When it comes to functionality, coolers that can be placed either horizontally or vertically allow for storage variation. To save room, I like laying my drinks alongside each other as opposed to having them stand up in the cooler. I also prefer coolers that come with wheels rather than only handles, making it easier to trek beverages and food to and from the campsite. If you’re tired of the same old white or grey box design, try a cooler that is padded with nylon, giving it a softer look.
In addition to pre-packaged beverages, a filtered water bottle is essential for quenching your thirst. Since it may not always be possible to bring a water filter on your trip, I’d recommend looking for a BPA-free water bottle that comes with a built-in filtration system for parasites, bacteria, and other unwelcome irritants. For these outdoor excursions, I prefer my water bottle to have a clip or buckle that can attach to my backpack, keeping my hands free while I’m on the go.
Cook easily with outdoor cooking appliances
A popular image of camping is huddling around a campfire making s’mores. This is a scene replayed in movies and television shows—a family sitting on logs, singing songs and sharing stories. However, if you’ve ever gone camping, someones, families and individuals like to use a portable camping stove or grill, if not for s’mores, perhaps for whipping up some burgers or hot dogs. If you’re camping with friends or family, look for a two-burner portable stove. Such a stove allows for diverse meal options without wasting lots of time waiting for one dish to cook before starting another. If you really want to bring some of your home cooking finesse to the outdoors, some portable stoves are designed with adjustable heating that allows more control over your grilling or frying. In terms of practicality, pre-attached windshields can save you lots of frustration when cooking in windy conditions. Keep in mind that you’ll also need propane.
Play music while camping with Bluetooth speakers

What’s a camping trip without your favourite tunes playing in the background as you dance the night away? Forget about sleeping under the stars. Dancing under the stars is a worthwhile contender for best camping catchphrase. When choosing a Bluetooth speaker suitable for your next camping adventure, look for one that has a long battery life so you can leave your house with it fully charged and not have to worry about finding an electrical outlet. I’d also recommend speakers that are waterproof, allowing you to enjoy your tunes even on rainy days.
Speaking of technology, it’s no question that camping trips are wonderful opportunities to disconnect from social media. However, for safety purposes, it may be necessary to bring a portable power station. Solar power stations are great choices because they can be charged using solar panels or, in most cases, also by being plugged into an outlet. Most power stations also provide plenty of ports, including USB ones, for all your charging needs whether it be a flashlight or cellphone. Both of which are essential during an emergency.
Having withstood the test of time, camping remains one of the best activities for those seeking adventure. Personalize your camping experience by selecting gear tailored to your outdoor desires. Head over to Best Buy for a diverse selection of camping gear.