What’s it like to combine a Fitbit smartwatch or tracker with a desire for a healthy lifestyle? Perhaps you have a Fitbit and know the answer from personal experience. Perhaps you have always wanted a Fitbit so you could find out for yourself how much a difference a Fitbit will make for you. Perhaps you just read our new article about Fitbit and now you want to give one to your loved ones. This contest is for everyone who want to become more aware of their bodies and their fitness; enter this contest and you might win a new Fitbit Charge 4 fitness tracker with GPS, heart rate monitor, and many other amazing features!

Where should you start if you want to become more healthy

Many people want to live healthier but don’t know how to start. Perhaps you did start but couldn’t stay motivated day in and day out. I’m not going to tell you to get out there and train for a marathon. I will suggest before making a change to your lifestyle, get a proper assessment from your doctor. This is Canada after all and part of the benefits of our healthcare system is we can be proactive without spending a fortune.

And on the topic of being proactive, purchasing a Fitbit is a low-cost proactive way to advance your healthy lifestyle goals. Have you seen gym membership costs lately? Imagine having the benefits of a personalized fitness program right on your wrist. Now also imagine that included with that is a minute by minute record of every activity you do from taking a walk to mowing the lawn. It also records your heart rate! Perhaps the order of operations should be: get a Fitbit, have it record your heart rate for a few days, then visit the doctor and show him that data to help him understand how fit you are before you start exercising!

Stay motivate and stay on track with new features in the Fitbit app

What happens when you wear a Fitbit? Well, at first you might start to take a few extra steps in a day. Then you might set meaningful goals. Incrementally you see progress. It’s not magic; you still must do the work. But you’ll be aware of how much that work is paying off!

New features keep getting added to the Fitbit app too. For example, recently they added Active Zone Minutes which is designed to help you get the 150 minutes of exercise (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) each week recommended by the World Health Organization. To get Active Zone Minutes your heart rate needs to go up. How much? Leave that to the Fitbit on your wrist to calculate. It monitors every movement you make, whether it’s a quick vacuuming around the home or a jog around the block. It all adds up and you know how much it’s adding up right in the Fitbit app.

Learn more about Fitbit and the Fitbit app from this recent feature article. You’ll also learn about Fitbit Premium which gives you access to hundreds of workout videos designed to help you get the most from your Fitbit. You can begin your journey to a healthier you by purchasing one for yourself and by entering this contest for a change to win one.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once here below this article and once in a comment on the detailed feature Fitbit article I mentioned earlier. In a comment beneath this post or on the feature article, tell us which Fitbit is your favourite and why.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will select one eligible entry to win the new Fitbit Charge 4 shown at the top of this article.

This contest runs from July 17th until July 31st.

Remember you can enter once here in a comment and once in a comment on the feature article. And share this contest with family and friends that you think might want to become healthier.

Win a Fitbit Charge 4 Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. My favourite is the Fitbit Charge 4 Special Edition Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate Monitor because it has built-in GPS capabilities to track my route, pace, and distance travelled.

  2. I like the Sleep patterns feature the best on FitBit Charge 4. It could maybe help me to sleep better a night,

  3. I have a really old Fitbit and would love to upgrade! The Fitbit Charge 4 would become a favourite as it has 20+ goal based exercise modes.

  4. I like the FitBit Charge 4 because it has GPS which will be useful for when I’m out hiking

  5. Fitbit Charge 2! I’ve had it for years, and it’s never let me down. But. it’s time for a change.

  6. All the new features, especially the GPS one, intrigues me. I have never owned a Fitbit and have always wanted one.

  7. I love both the camera and the battery. My current phone needs to be replaced for so many reasons but because its so old it doesn’t really take pictures that are worth sharing and lasts maybe a half day on a charge. My carrier said soon it won’t be able to connect to the network. This new Samsung looks like a masterpiece and they have always made such great quality things.

  8. Loved my fitbits i’ve had over the past decade. Just lost my Charge 3 when I took it off to jump in a lake and forgot about it!

  9. I think the Fitbit Charge 4 would be the one for me, based on the article – I’ve never owned a Fitbit but have started to realize the need for more exercising and tracking my progress easily with this one. The GPS is a great addition especially for when you’re travelling and walking in unfamiliar areas.

  10. Fitbit Charge 4 – because you dont have to shlep your giant smart phone on runs to track your progress!!!

  11. Active Zone Minutes definitely, making sure my heart rate is where it’s suppose to be!

  12. FitBit Charge 4 would be motivating and help me keep track of my daily step count and love the bluetooth option, never had a fitbit before!

  13. FitBit Charge 4 would be motivating and help me keep track of my daily step count and love the bluetooth option

  14. I loved my Charge 3 because of the size and the sleep track feature. I would love to upgrade to the Charge 4 so I can track my workouts outside.

  15. I’ve never had a fitbit so I cant say which is my favourite but I would love to try the Fitbit Charge 4 for the Active zone minutes feature. Would be great during my walks/runs to make sure I am keeping my heart rate up.

  16. I would love to own a Fitbit Charge 4, due to it’s swimproof material and built-in GPS

  17. I don’t have a Fitbit, but if I was to choose one it would be the Fitbit Charge 4 for the GPS and bluetooth features.

  18. The FitBit Charge 4 would be so helpful in supporting my exercise goals. The heart rate monitor and GPS feature would be awesome when going on long hikes. Wishing you all health and happiness .

  19. Super excited about the GPS feature! I have an Alta HR and this may be my next upgrade!

  20. I love fitbit products
    I have had them since the first flex has been sold
    Unfortunately my charge three has died and I need a replacement

  21. Fitbit Ace 2 because of the positive feedback it provides to the wearer. This is amazing for self-motivation.

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