For gaming enthusiasts, gaming accessories are like secret weapons that enhance their gaming performance, comfort, and overall enjoyment. If you’re ready to embark on an extraordinary gaming adventure and seeking to level up your gaming experience, here’s your chance to win the ultimate gaming companion – the NuPhy Halo75 mechanical gaming keyboard. Designed to deliver precision, fast response times, and customizable RGB features, this customizable keyboard is a game-changer for gamers of all levels. In this contest, we are giving away the NuPhy Halo75 mechanical gaming keyboard and the NuPhy Studio two-tone wrist rest to one lucky winner, and these could be yours!

Bring your gaming fantasies to life

I’m not a passionate gamer but I can simply envision the immense possibilities this keyboard holds for enhancing gaming adventures. The NuPhy Halo75 wireless keyboard’s mechanical switches, known for their rapid response times and tactile feedback promises swift and decisive reactions during intense battles. Additionally, the customizable RGB backlighting would not only create an immersive gaming ambiance but also adds a visually captivating element to your content creation process. Take a look at Marcus’ review article on the blog to see that for yourself. An ergonomic design adds comfort during long gaming sessions, preventing strain and fatigue, while the GhostBar’s accurate keystroke registration would aid in executing intricate moves flawlessly. With these features combined, this keyboard may be just the powerful tool you need to unlock new levels of gaming prowess and creative imagination.

Now, imagine yourself seamlessly commanding your troops with precision and navigating through virtual landscapes with a keyboard that truly understands and responds to your every move. The NuPhy Halo75 wireless keyboard delivers unrivaled performance and an immersive gaming experience.

Take your gaming skills to new heights

As a gamer, you know that having the right tools can make all the difference. From high-performance gaming laptops and consoles to top-of-the-line gaming peripherals, Best Buy has a wide selection of peripherals that will enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re a beginner, a casual gamer, or a hardcore eSports enthusiast, Best Buy is the go-to destination for all your gaming needs.

On Best Buy’s blog, we often have an incredible lineup of contests that are guaranteed to make your gaming experience even better. From giveaways of the latest gaming laptops, monitors, consoles, and accessories and opportunities to win exclusive game releases and merchandise, we ensure that Canadian gamers never miss out on the chance to elevate their gaming setups.

So, don’t miss out on this opportunity and enter the contest for a chance to be the envy of every gamer around.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways:

  1. In a comment below, tell us which game you’d like to play first with this keyboard and how will it help you enhance your experience.
  2. In a comment beneath Marcus’s review article, tell us one feature of the NuPhy Halo75 keyboard that Marcus mentioned in the review article could benefit you the most.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly draw one winner from all eligible entries, and they will receive the NuPhy Halo75 mechanical gaming keyboard and the NuPhy Studio two-tone wrist rest.

This contest runs from Jun 2nd to Jun 16th.

Remember, you can enter in two different ways as described above. Are you a dedicated gamer in search of the perfect gaming accessory? Get ready to conquer the virtual world with this powerful and innovative keyboard. Enter the contest and share it with your gamer friends so they too have a chance to win it.

Good Luck

Bhupinder Kaur
Bhupinder is a senior editor and a collaborative team player at Best Buy Canada. She is passionate about creating consistent digital experiences with her writing, editing, analytics, and project management skills. Other than that, she loves to cook authentic Indian recipes for friends and family.


  1. Big bright keys would let me see clearly when I play Civilization 6 deep into the night during a 12 hour session of world conquest

  2. I’d like to play Sims 4 on this keyboard. These keyboards are a nice size that I find comfortable to use.

  3. Smaller keyboards give more desk space when sharing a table. We multiseat a single computer so space can be limited when we are all playing on the local Minecraft server.

  4. I’d love to play Counter-Strike Source first, as the keys are very responsive and the wrist rest will help keep my hands steadier.

  5. The first game I’d want to play using this keyboard is Cyberpunk 2077 – the super-fast response time will make my hacking and fragging that much quicker.

  6. I would play Diablo IV with this keyboard first and the smaller size will help me to do play the game smoothly

  7. The first game I would play with this keyboard with Overwatch 2. The wireless 2.4ghz connection would get rid of the input lag that I experience with my current keyboard. This would improve my experience by improving my in-game accuracy and to win games.

  8. I’d love to play Counter-Strike Source first, as the keys are very responsive and the wrist rest will help keep my hands steadier.

  9. I would play Minecraft because it would offer me such a better reaction time and a smoother faster game.

  10. I would play Destiny 2 and the ergonomic design would add comfort during long gaming sessions. Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. I would love to play Diablo IV on the NuPhy Halo75 mechanical gaming keyboard. I usually like to play in a dimmer room and a lighted gaming keyboard would certainly help me.

  12. The most obvious and useful game to play with this keyboard is “the typing of the dead” 🙂 I’ll be shooting down zombies so quickly.

  13. Probably play Halo Infinite to test out the performance. I’d love to have the option of switching between 2.4 ghz wireless and bluetooth so I can type on my phone.

  14. As weird as it sounds, I’d play Tetris with this! I feel like its a game where the keyboard keys responsiveness is crucial to the success of Tetris!

  15. Play Diablo 4! I love it’s wireless. I could put my feet up and rest the keyboard on my lap to play.

  16. The first game I’d want to play using this keyboard is Cyberpunk 2077 – the super-fast response time will make my hacking and fragging that much quicker.

  17. I would play Diablo 4. I usually game at night with the lights off, so the backlighting would be awesome.

  18. The first game I’d want to play using this keyboard is Cyberpunk 2077 – the super-fast response time will make my hacking and fragging that much quicker.
    The cool aesthetic is a plus, too!

  19. I’d love to play Counter-Strike Source first, as the keys are very responsive and the wrist rest will help keep my hands steadier.

  20. As weird as it sounds, I’d play Tetris with this! I feel like its a game where the keyboard keys responsiveness is crucial to the success of Tetris! Thanks for the contest!

  21. Diablo 4. The responsive keys will make dungeon crawling easier, especially when I need to move quickly

  22. Play Diablo 4! I love it’s wireless. I could put my feet up and rest the keyboard on my lap to play.

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