Adding a monitor, like the many types from ASUS, to your home computing environment is the easiest way to boost productivity and make gaming more fun. Going from one monitor to two opens up even more possibilities. So consider what your life will be like if you win this three monitor set up that we are giving away in this contest.
How does adding a monitor change how your work and play
What would you do with more screen real estate? My wife and I were discussing this yesterday as I was making notes for this article. As a teacher tasked with doing online instruction for the first time in her life, she had no trouble seeing the benefits of three monitors. She’d put Zoom on one, for her video interaction during her classes, put her Google Forms assignments and quizzes on another screen, and use the 3rd screen for Microsoft Teams or email depending on which class she had at the time. Rather than flipping from one application to another on the single screen she currently uses, she would have them all right in front making her work so much easier.
Multi monitors are a gamer’s dream environment
I actually sent this contest prize to reviewer Dave Neufeld to test (that’s his photo at the top of this article!). Dave correctly points out that we are chronic multi-taskers (as my wife’s situation above supports) and having extra real estate helps a lot! But he also tested it for gaming and found that this particular set up with three amazing ASUS 27″ VG279QM TUF gaming monitors, connected using the ASUS ROG Bezel-Free Kit to give the illusion of a seamless appearance between each individual monitor is very impressive.
The winner of this contest will get all three monitors and the Bezel-Free kit! Read carefully the rest of this article so you don’t miss out on a chance to win.
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy but you can enter only once below and once on Dave’s review article. Yes that is correct you can enter twice in total. In your comment you must state how you will use the extra screen space. Will you dedicate one screen to photoshop, one to email … what will you do with three 27-inch screens in front of you!
What you can win
At the end of this contest I will draw one winner who will receive three ASUS 27″ VG279QM TUF gaming monitors and the ASUS ROG Bezel-Free Kit.
This contest runs from April 3rd until April 20th.
Remember you can enter once below this article and once below Dave review article for a total of two entries (as is usual for our contests, entering more than one comment at each location is not permitted).
Win an ASUS multi monitor set up Contest Rules and Regulations
Good luck
This set up in my house would be used differently by everyone! For me boring me personally lol email, recipes and tasty videos! I’m sure everyone else would be gaming!
One Screen for playing a game, the other for social networking!
I will setup this online work from home – great for current times!, use one monitor for email and chats, the other monitor for video conference and third for actual files that are being worked on while being shared
Gaming and multi-tasking are routine around this household.
This would be great for some extreme multitasking! Word on one screen, YouTube on another and possibly an online course on the other.
if im gaming, i’d try to use all 3. Otherwise, word/excel on one screen, 3d cad program on another and last one for music/youtube background noise
Definitely for gaming :)!
I will have one monitor setup for e-mail, VOIP app, and messaging app, and the other two can be used to run my core applications and to conduct virtual meetings from.
For gaming!
For gaming!
DJing and work!!
for work and gaming
gaming and work
internet, work
Gaming and work for looking at large plans
Work and play. Work one screen email, one screen browsing, one screen excel. Play all three screens for gaming. These are really nice pieces of kit I hope I am lucky enough to win. Thanks for the opportunity, stay safe out there.
I would love to use the three monitor screens for gaming and doing my business simultaneously.
Gaming, social media and work
I’d use one for virtual machines, another for coding and connecting to other networked devices and the third for gaming. might even try using two for gaming depending on how well they blend.
The responsible adult in me sees this set up and thinks how amazing it would be for working from home. The other 90% of me sees this and wants to hook up my headset and controller and get my game on!
I would use it for racing simulation / gaming as well as working from home.
Gaming, social networking, email
Gaming and work
Gaming, social networking
Perfect for gaming or streaming video.
Music, gaming, work
I would use it for gaming primarily, but it would be great to control my headless servers and multitasking!
Will definitely help out having another screen for work and hook it up to the PlayStation after work hours =)
Email, Internet, Work.
Now that my girlfriend is working from home During the day she would use it for all the windows and spread sheets that she needs for work. Then at night it would be my time to shine taking my gaming to next level️
Gaming, social networking
Gaming, social networking, work
I would use one for e-mail and one for drawing (all that space!!!!) and one for social media. I’d put the drawing smack dab in the middle!! Thanks for a chance!
Mishelle G
For work, for play, for music streaming
Gaming, social networking, work
One for work – one for Netflix and last one for social mail
One for excel, email, and the internet!
My son would love this as he is just starting out for his gaming set up and wants to be able to have it set up with multiple screens for different uses. I myself don’t understand the concept lol but with a gamer/streamer they know what they want and how they want it. I know he would just love to have this for his set up. Good luck to everyone
One screen for gaming, one for emails, and one for homework!!
I could see using one screen for emails and the others for work related tasks.
One screen for emails and the other for gaming.
Comments are closed.