Mondo X SteelBooks Now Sold at Best Buy: Iconic Artwork Meets...
If you’re a fan of the Mondo X SteelBook series of “poster art” Blu-Ray cases, then you’re probably already super excited about the fact that Best Buy is now carrying these awesome exclusive sets! If, however, you’re not entirely familiar with these skillfully crafted works of art (featuring glossy, comic-like artwork and plenty of special features), simply click on through to learn all about them!
With Samsung’s SUHD TV, get excited about your TV again
Meet the all-new SUHD TV from Samsung SEE MORE. FEEL MORE. More colours; Brighter blacks; Deeper blacks
What to look for in a TV mount
So, you’ve just picked up that new TV you’ve been coveting. You’re beyond thrilled; and seeing as though you’ve spent the last several months pinning décor examples on Pinterest, you know exactly where it should be mounted. But before you jump headfirst into securing your new toy on the wall, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a TV mount. Here’s the skinny on the three key considerations you need to keep in mind.
TV Features Explained – Part 4: Resolution
TV resolution keeps getting better. We have gone from standard definition to high definition to now 4K. There are even 8K resolution “Full Ultra High Definition” TVs, although you would be hard pressed to buy one. Where will it all end and do I really need the higher resolution of 4K? Sure more resolution is always better than less resolution, but there are several circumstances where it doesn’t make sense paying more for all those extra pixels. It is good to know the finer points of resolution, no pun intended, so you don’t pay more for not much gain.
TV Features Explained – Part 3: Refresh Rates
Refresh rates are marketed quite a bit with new HDTVs and 4K UHD TVs, using various branded jargon like “Motionflow 240” or “960 Motion Enhancement.” Higher numbers are bandied about making it difficult to understand or to make fair comparisons between TVs since there are no industry-standard definitions for these motion enhancement features. I will help you sort through this marketing muddle and let you know what you need to focus on regarding refresh rates.
Sennheiser TV Headphones Review: RS 125 & RS 135
Need headphones to block out the world while you watch TV? These Sennheiser versions should do the job, but do they deliver? Read our review.
Review: The NEW Roku 3 Streaming Player
Ten years ago, few would believe that we could become so reliant on streaming media but these days many people are taking advantage of streaming HD video content from web services at an increasing rate. So much so that new services and options keep popping up continually. Recently I had the chance to spend some time with the new Roku 3, a streaming player tailor made for those who want to take advantage of all these video streaming services. There is no shortage of competition here either. If you’re into Netflix and YouTube, for example, there seems to be a way to stream that content from virtually every device out there. Many of these devices are multitaskers, that are primarily game consoles, or other sorts of gadgets that just happen to integrate a few streaming services. With the Roku 3 you get a dedicated device that specializes in streaming online content. With that focus comes a certain simplicity and clarity to the device.
Sony Canada VIP event showcases new tech coming to Best Buy
CES is an eye-popping, mind-blowing experience for any tech enthusiast, but one of the most frequent questions that stick out as you tour the latest innovations is release date: Is the product available in the current year, or are we looking at a prototype and will we have to wait a year, sometimes several until we can get hold and own the device? This is why I love Sony Canada’s annual VIP event that brings us much of the best of what they showcased at CES to a Best Buy Canada store near you.
TV Features Explained – Part 1: Introduction
This is Part 1 of a series of posts that will explain everything you need to know about today’s TVs.
Mondo X SteelBook is back! Announcing #005 Dredd!
Mondo X SteelBook is back! This time Best Buy Canada is announcing number 005 and it’s a beauty! DREDD with art by JOCK