Build a strong relationship by getting fit together

50 years ago people really didn’t focus on fitness, whether that be together or solo. Just watch Mad Men and you’ll see that most of their time was spent lounging around having cocktails, and the idea of exercising together for your health was a pretty bizarre idea. These days, getting fit is a big part of couple time, and exercising together is one of the major ways people build strong relationships. Here’s how you can get fit together.

What is new in wearable tech: Fitbit Alta Overview

Earlier this month, Fitbit announced the launch of the latest addition to its lineup of activity trackers—the Fitbit Alta. Essentially an updated version of the Fitbit Flex wristband, the Alta comes equipped with a number of next-generation Fitbit features, including automatic exercise recognition, on-screen call, text and calendar alerts, and much more.

Work out anytime, anywhere with Canadian brand Yu-mn

Staying on top of your fitness routine can be challenging. Canadian business, Yu-mn, aims to keep you on track in the new year.

Get More Fit with the Help of Your Smart Home Devices

If you're trying to keep your resolutions to be healthier in 2019, let me give you some ideas to get more fit with the help of your smart home devices.

Make it fit: treadmills in the home

Picking out the right treadmill (or any other cardio equipment) is where ideal functionality crosses paths with the reality of available floor space. Do you want the biggest and best model with all the bells and whistles, or is your perfect machine the one that slips out of sight at a moment’s notice? Take a read through this overview and see if you can find the right balance for your home set-up.

Know How Much Exercise it Takes to Burn Off Holiday Calories

If you overindulged a bit with the food and drink over Christmas and New Year, join the club! But, to help you keep your healthy resolutions for 2017, I’m going to show you how much exercise it takes to burn off those holiday calories, and how to get started.

Accomplish your fitness-focused goals

When it comes to fitness, it's never too late. Here's what you need to helo you accomplish all your fitness-focused goals.

Workout Tips to Lose Weight


Losing weight requires effort, diligence, and persistence. Often people expect to see results but they’re not following the right steps. My career as a fitness professional is greatly rewarding when I see clients busting through plateaus, hearing how energetic and alive they feel while losing the weight they don’t need. Follow these 5 tips closely and you too will be on the road to losing weight.      

Running accessories buying guide

Whether you've decided to take up running recreationally or you're training for a marathon, there are tech devices for runners to help.

5 reasons to pick up an electronic bicycle right now


Maybe you’ve seen people commuting in the bike lane on them, or you’ve watched someone effortlessly cruise up a crazy hill and you wondered exactly what they were riding – for most people, one chance encounter of watching someone cruise on an e-bike is enough to get them to put it on their ‘to-do’ list, and one ride is all it takes to hook you forever.