Why we need Air Conditioning – not just for Comfort!
As far back as the Ancient Romans there is evidence of air-conditioned homes. Water from the aqueducts were circulated through their walls of to cool them. However, the first electrical air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier in 1902. He invented it not for comfort, but for a publishing company to keep down the temperature and humidity so the paper did not expand or contract. Since then air conditioning has become one of the most significant engineering achievements of the last century and has impacted the economy and the world in many ways. If you think comfort is the only reason you need air conditioning in your home, think again as there are many other benefits.
World’s best lasagna recipes – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
From summer potlucks to a cozy winter dinner, lasagna is just one of those pasta recipes that taste great no matter what time of the year it is. Get ready to shake your pasta maker, because we’re going to make the world’s best lasagna.
Step into my dream kitchen
You know those home shows that take one room in your house and turn it into your absolute dream room? Maybe for some people it would be hard to choose just one room out of all the rooms in your house, but I’d offer up my kitchen in a heartbeat if someone offered to give me a dream kitchen.
Choose a new range from LG Canada
There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to shopping for a new kitchen range. Whether you’re looking for electric or gas, you’re a sophisticated chef or simple cook, or you’ve got a large or small budget, LG Canada has got the ranges to suit your kitchen.
5 Tricks to Make the Most of a Small Bedroom
Decorating small spaces can be quite a challenge. This is especially true of bedrooms. You obviously need the basics – a bed, lighting, and storage for your clothing and ever-growing collection of shoes – but sometimes the basics aren’t quite enough. Just because you’re tight on space doesn’t mean you have to be tight on style. With close to twenty years of urban apartment living under my belt, I’ve dealt with my fair share of small spaces. Here are my top 5 tips for making the most out of a small bedroom.
Strawberries, peaches, and blueberries for dessert – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
Strawberries, peaches, blackberries, and blueberries – those little gems of the fruit family are nutritious on their own, but when you bake them up and wrap them in buttery crust or turn them into an icy-cool summer dessert? That’s when summer really kicks off at my house.
Cool kitchen stuff you won’t want to live without
Just like a techie loves the latest and greatest gadgets hitting the market, people who love to cook just can’t get enough kitchen stuff. Some handy kitchen utensils can really make the difference when you’re preparing a meal, while other kitchen supplies just make preparing food more fun. If you’re a foodie or you’re just someone who wants to play around in the kitchen, check out a few of the cook kitchen utensils you just can’t live without:
Pick up a new fridge from LG Canada
The fridge has come a long way since the first electric version was introduced to consumers in the early 1900s. Since then, it has evolved from an air-cooled refrigeration unit mounted on top of an icebox to an energy-efficient appliance that is one part form and one part function. Keeping perishable food items from going bad is only part of the equation. Today, consumers are looking for a refrigerator that meets the unique needs and preferences of their family while still looking darn good in their kitchen. That’s where LG Canada comes in. As Canada’s number one selling fridge brand, LG has a range of designs and features to meet even the most discerning of tastes, and now, they’re available at Best Buy.
Make the most of a small kitchen
Decorating a small kitchen can be tricky. It doesn’t take long for the countertops to get crowded and for the space to look cluttered. Here are some simple tips to making a small kitchen appear spacious and open!
LG Laundry Machines will keep your clothes squeaky clean!
Best Buy is expanding their appliances! Among those appliances will be a selection of high-quality LG washers and dryers. This is a great opportunity to invest in a reliable laundry system that are guaranteed to consistently get your clothes clean and dry!