Home Authors Posts by Stacey McGregor

Stacey McGregor

Stacey McGregor
Stacey McGregor is a marketing and communications professional based in Vancouver, BC. She has a passion for the written word, loves learning about new technology and gadgets, and enjoys sharing what she learns through Best Buy's Plug In blog.

Light up your life … on a patio

Last weekend was a scorcher; and as someone who relishes tropical climates and often wonders why she hasn’t yet moved to one, I ate it up. But on Sunday night, as I was enjoying a glass of wine and a new book on my balcony, something tragic happened–the sun set. You might wonder why that’s tragic, but when you live in an apartment that has a small balcony that isn’t equipped with an electrical outlet, sunset means no light, and no light means no outdoor reading. So for those of you who, like me, have a small outdoor space, here are some patio lighting options that will ensure you can remain outside until you say it’s time to go in; or at least until you finish the chapter you’re reading!

Best rice cookers for back to school as rated by customers

I’m not sure about you, but rice is a staple in my diet. It’s ridiculously versatile, can be dressed up or down to complement or become a meal, and is relatively low calorie as far as starches are concerned. The problem is that cooking rice—real rice, not the “nuke-in-the-bag-pseudo-rice”—can take a bit of time. And let’s be honest, time can be a luxury; especially when you’re a parent with kids in school, or a student yourself. When I think back to my university days, I have vivid memories of being so busy that the very prospect of cooking dinner made me sweat with anxiety.  

Get away with this year’s best luggage

Whether you’re heading to the lake this summer for a weekend escape, or are eagerly counting down the days to the winter adventure you’ve meticulously planned over the past year, there’s one travel necessity you should be sure not to overlook—your luggage. I mean, you don’t want to be that person wheeling a squeaky, mothball-ridden relic of a suitcase through the airport, now do you? Peer pressure aside, there really is something to be said for travelling with good luggage; and with so many options available, you can get away with a bag that suits both your style and your trip.  

Review: Jabra Wireless Sports Earbuds

A few weeks ago I launched myself into a fitness program that makes cross-fit look like a walk in the park with a bunch of puppies. Needless to say, it’s tough. So you can imagine how excited I was when I was asked to review three different pairs of wireless ear buds from Jabra. I mean, if any workout was going to test the limits of headphones, the one I’ve embarked on was definitely going to do the trick.

Home theatre essentials to amp up your love life

I don’t know what the weather is like where you live, but right now we are going through a pretty epic heat wave here on the west coast. Don’t get me wrong, I live for summer, but when it’s hot and humid like this I find that a number of my otherwise “normal” activities often take a backseat to more pressing issues, like searching out air conditioning and cold bodies of water. For example, blow drying and straightening my hair (not going to happen), cooking anything in the oven (it’s already a million degrees in my apartment), and sadly, romance (there’s no way we are cuddling). But believe it or not, you can actually amp up the summer romance with a movie night at home, regardless of how unbearably hot it is outside; all you need are a few essentials to improve your home theatre room and you’re set!

Musical instruments for your summer trips

I have a confession to make. The first time I went camping as an adult was two summers ago. Before that, I was seven and my parents shipped me off for the weekend with my Brownie troupe to learn all sorts of life skills and earn all sorts of badges. I cried the whole time. But when one of my closest friends convinced me to join her annual camping trip—which meant no electricity, no WiFi, and no plumbing—I decided to put my tiara away for a few days and suck it up; and as it turns out, it was one of the best times I’ve ever had.

Summer survival guide part 4: relaxing and entertaining on the patio

Summer is, without a doubt, my favourite time of year. In fact, I’m such a summer girl that I’ve often wondered why I haven’t moved myself to a more temperate climate where the hot days and warm nights stick around for longer than a few months. But perhaps it’s precisely the short shelf life we have on summers here in Canada that makes me itch to spend as much of them outside as possible.

All about fans

If you’ve ever watched one of those home improvement shows on TV, you are no doubt aware that the vast majority of interior designers think that a “fan” is either someone who follows them on social media, or an intrusive assault to the esthetic senses. Well, no disrespect to the interior designers out there, but here’s the thing: in the summer months, a fan is an absolute necessity. In fact, depending on the size of your home, and in the absence of air conditioning, multiple fans are a necessity. But what makes one fan different from another? That’s what I’m here to tell you!

Amp up your love life with music this summer

Last weekend I was driving in the sunshine when a song from the early ‘90s came on the radio. Within seconds I was transported back in time to a summer when my entire existence revolved around a certain boy. That boy is no longer in my life, but the fact that he was the first thing I thought of when that song started playing got me thinking about the crazy relationship between music and love. So with that in mind, here are some ideas for amping up your love life with music this summer, no matter where you might fall on its elusive spectrum.

Bring on the amazing sounds of summer

Summer is synonymous with so many great things: sunshine, barbeques, beaches, patios, and parties; none of which would be quite the same without a summer soundtrack to go along with it. That’s why this post is dedicated to helping you bring on the amazing sounds of summer, no matter where that summer might take you.