A great home theatre receiver will make all of your home theatre viewing better. A receiver is a critical component needed for a premium audio experience in the home. Many of us will be watching the big game mid-February (you know what I mean!). Many of us will also be watching the best movies of the previous year in anticipation of the big awards ceremony in March (again, you know what I mean). Wouldn’t it be amazing to have this fantastic Denon receiver delivering the best sound no matter what you are watching. Learn how you can enter for a chance to win.

Why does the sound matter when watching sports

My wife doesn’t follow football, or hockey, or tennis. I blame her parents. I grew up watching all three and still enjoy them all. The bigger the match or closer the game to a championship match, the better. And the game is usually more exciting if every bone crunching hit is audible—loud even.

When the crowd roars, I want to feel the vibration! When the ball hits the crossbar, I want to hear a distinct “ting” resonate as the kicker’s facial expression melts. When my favourite running back breaks a tackle and sprints toward the end-zone, I want to experience each step as if I’m running alongside encouraging him. The game is not the same without great sound.

The television networks put millions of dollars into capturing the audio experience as much as the visual experience. You must put some care and consideration into how you will hear it or you are missing out.

Have you given up on watching movies for their amazing sound

But we are getting used to missing out, aren’t we? I watch many shows on a phone wearing earbuds. It’s not right and I know it. A film like “Knives Out” was not designed to be watched like a mindless TikTok video. Just like you can’t get as immersed in a story on a small screen, you also can’t with earbud audio. You don’t feel the emotional tension of the characters, or the suspense, or especially the magic of the big moment without big audio. No one would visit a movie theatre, despite the big screen experience, if the sound wasn’t also all it can be.

The Denon receiver we are giving away in this contest helps you return to the good ole days of experiencing big sports games, and brilliantly intense movies, with awesome sound. Add some great speakers and suddenly your home is where everyone wants to be for that big sports party or movie night. We sent the prize that we are giving away in this contest to Jason for an honest review. Read his thorough review to learn more about the versatility and capabilities of this device.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.

  1. In a comment below, tell us one or more movies or sporting event that you would recommend to a friend that would be much better if they had a big home audio system and explain why.
  2. In a comment beneath Jason’s review, complete this sentence, “If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be …” and/or “the first sporting event I would use this for would be ….”

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly draw one winner to receive the Denon AVR-S760H receiver that Jason reviewed for the blog.

This contest runs from Jan 30th to Feb 12th.

Remember you can enter in two different ways. Half the fun of our contests is from entering. The other half is in asking your friends and family what they wrote on the blog. Don’t forget to share this contest to all the people you know who would love better home theatre sound in their home.

Win a Denon home theatre receiver Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. “If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be Top Gun Maverick…” and/or “the first sporting event I would use this for would be a great hockey game….”
    I love super loud movies with a receiver you can feel the vibe as you watch!

  2. I would recommend to a friend to watch a =the Stanley Cup Playoffs because with the superior sound system it would make you feel like you were right there at the game

  3. Sunday football would never be the same again with this sound system! The sound quality would surely drown out the sounds of everyone fighting over their favourite teams!

  4. i would recommend to a friend to watch a hockey game with this receiver and if I had this receiver the first movie would be Avatar.

  5. I’d say Top Gun Maverick. My wife and I watched top gun Maverick on our current surround sound system which sounded good but not great. I have a 15-year-old Yamaha receiver that is in dire need of an upgrade. I have high-end paradigm speakers, a high-end Sony 4K TV and a ps5. I am missing the receiver to maximize the experience.

  6. If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be Jurassic Park with the family because the audio would create an immersive and immediate experience and …the first sporting event I would use this for would be figure skating for the ice impacts and music, the sensation would be endless.

  7. When the Blue Jays make the playoffs you really need a good sound system because the crowd gets SO loud!

  8. Anything and everything from Marvel ! Specifically the Avengers movies – this system would totally up the anti !

  9. If I had this receiver, the first sporting event I would use this for would be the Super Bowl. The halftime show would be spectacular.

  10. “If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be AVATAR …” and the first sporting event I would use this for would be any Soccer game

  11. If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be Avatar because the sound would add to the overall viewing experience at home along with the Super Bowl.

  12. Saving Private Ryan would be much better with a big home audio system. The movie is great to watch, but the sound is so much better with a great audio system.

  13. I would recommend Top Gun: Maverick to a friend that would sound so much better on a bit home stereo system, because of all the special affects put into a blockbuster movie like that, not to mention the LFE content that would be simply missing on a small system. PLUS the proper DTS decoding. What a great receiver to do just that!

  14. I would recommend they watch the Oilers in the playoffs! Nothing beats the sound of a big home audio system!

  15. Last Avatar on this receiver should be a major upgrade at my sister place. She only have the TV speakers right now, so it should make a little difference!!!

  16. I would recommend that a friend watch the Superbowl, to be immersed in the experience, especially the halftime show.

  17. If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be any movies with a Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack, like Dune or Interstellar. It would add a lot of depth.

  18. I would recommend to a friend to watch the Super Bowl because it would be more immersive being able to hear all the sounds and make it feel like you were there.

  19. The superbowl would be great to watch and the enhanced sound would allow you to hear every little thing happening in the game.

  20. Jurassic Park would be much better with a nice big home audio system. The experience would match watching in a theater!

  21. A home audio system would make movies such as Interstellar and Inception so much better in terms of experience from the better sound quality.

  22. If I had this receiver I would watch Jaws and the first sporting event I would use this for would be the Super Bowl

  23. If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be Jaws and the first sporting event I would use this for would be the Super Bowl

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