A great home theatre receiver will make all of your home theatre viewing better. A receiver is a critical component needed for a premium audio experience in the home. Many of us will be watching the big game mid-February (you know what I mean!). Many of us will also be watching the best movies of the previous year in anticipation of the big awards ceremony in March (again, you know what I mean). Wouldn’t it be amazing to have this fantastic Denon receiver delivering the best sound no matter what you are watching. Learn how you can enter for a chance to win.

Why does the sound matter when watching sports

My wife doesn’t follow football, or hockey, or tennis. I blame her parents. I grew up watching all three and still enjoy them all. The bigger the match or closer the game to a championship match, the better. And the game is usually more exciting if every bone crunching hit is audible—loud even.

When the crowd roars, I want to feel the vibration! When the ball hits the crossbar, I want to hear a distinct “ting” resonate as the kicker’s facial expression melts. When my favourite running back breaks a tackle and sprints toward the end-zone, I want to experience each step as if I’m running alongside encouraging him. The game is not the same without great sound.

The television networks put millions of dollars into capturing the audio experience as much as the visual experience. You must put some care and consideration into how you will hear it or you are missing out.

Have you given up on watching movies for their amazing sound

But we are getting used to missing out, aren’t we? I watch many shows on a phone wearing earbuds. It’s not right and I know it. A film like “Knives Out” was not designed to be watched like a mindless TikTok video. Just like you can’t get as immersed in a story on a small screen, you also can’t with earbud audio. You don’t feel the emotional tension of the characters, or the suspense, or especially the magic of the big moment without big audio. No one would visit a movie theatre, despite the big screen experience, if the sound wasn’t also all it can be.

The Denon receiver we are giving away in this contest helps you return to the good ole days of experiencing big sports games, and brilliantly intense movies, with awesome sound. Add some great speakers and suddenly your home is where everyone wants to be for that big sports party or movie night. We sent the prize that we are giving away in this contest to Jason for an honest review. Read his thorough review to learn more about the versatility and capabilities of this device.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.

  1. In a comment below, tell us one or more movies or sporting event that you would recommend to a friend that would be much better if they had a big home audio system and explain why.
  2. In a comment beneath Jason’s review, complete this sentence, “If I had this receiver, the first movie I would watch would be …” and/or “the first sporting event I would use this for would be ….”

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly draw one winner to receive the Denon AVR-S760H receiver that Jason reviewed for the blog.

This contest runs from Jan 30th to Feb 12th.

Remember you can enter in two different ways. Half the fun of our contests is from entering. The other half is in asking your friends and family what they wrote on the blog. Don’t forget to share this contest to all the people you know who would love better home theatre sound in their home.

Win a Denon home theatre receiver Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. Would be perfect for the Superbowl to enjoy the game from home – would be nice for the half-time show.

  2. Triangle of Sadness would be great with a new sound system because it’s a great movie and then you can hear all the small nuances.

  3. I would recommend any movie with a dynamic soundtrack – especially the new Avatar movie – because it would make the whole movie experience more theatre-like.

  4. watching my favourite movie, forrest gump. would be so much better with this. the soundtrack is amazing and deserves to be heard properly!

  5. Watching hockey on the big screen (especially the Stanley Cup Finals) with amazing audio makes you feel like you’re right there in the stands!

  6. Basically any professional sports event has incredibly sophisticated sound production values, almost always the leading edge for television production. For movies, the (sound) bar (ha!) is even higher, home systems will always be catching up to the soundtracks, so anything recent like the umpteenth version of All Quiet on the Western Front, Sam Mendes’ newest or whatever comic book movie would benefit.

  7. Streamed Sound of Metal and as amazing as the sound was I can only imagine how much better it would be with a big home audio system

  8. would recommend to my friend mike that a big home audio system would really make the Super Bowl better. Who doesn’t want to hear it all LOUD!

  9. I would recommend to my friend Sean that a big home audio system would really make the Super Bowl better. Who doesn’t want to hear it all LOUD!

  10. I would like to watch any funny and adventure movie with a great soundtrack. Marvel movies are also in the list.

  11. I would recommend watching Encanto with this, since I found the audio was really poor with my current setup.

  12. I would like this to watch any movie with a great soundtrack – anything John Williams (Star Wars, Indiana Jones) to enhance the music listening experience.

  13. The original Jesus Christ Superstar would be great with a big home audio system because of the awesome sound track. It’s an old one but a great one.

  14. I would recommend “Saving Private Ryan”. With a great speaker setup, the sound adds so much to the realism.

  15. I would like this to watch any movie with a great soundtrack – anything John Williams (Star Wars, Indiana Jones) to enhance the music listening experience.

  16. I would recommend the movies Dune or Tron. If played thru this receiver would be an intense experience with awesome sound, the soundtrack from Tron would sound unbelievable on this Denon!

  17. I would recommend to a friend that watching the SUPER BOWL would be much better if they had a big home audio system because the sound would be sharp and clear – enabling the coaches’ and referees’ comments to be clearly understood.

  18. I’m going to say the movie Serenity but I think any Space movie will do.
    Space battles have audio coming at you from all angles; you don’t get from standard movies

  19. Dunkirk, or really any war epic, because that type of movie really benefits from the dynamics and spatial imaging that high end audio systems provide to accentuate the chaos between the more intimate scenese.

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