LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.
Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer
You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?
How to enter
Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.
This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.
Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.
Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
I would give this phone to my mother, as she currently doesn’t have a cellphone and she could desperately use one in case of emergencies!
Definitely watching YouTube on one side and texting or answering emails on the other.
I would watch YouTube on one screen and Text on the other screen.
pour tous exemple texter et jouer en meme temps
I would watch YouTube and texting at the same time.
I would binge watch on Netflix while organizing my life on the other screen.
I would have my emails up on one screen and probably scroll Facebook on the other.
Often need to be looking at a text & googling some at the same time. This would be awesome!
Would use to talk to family, take pics, text my babe and tons of online activities.
Merci pour ce beau concours
Sweet feature! I’d watch the hockey game on one screen and scroll Facebook on the other. Multi-tasking win!
I would check the news on one screen and chat with my friends on the other screen
I would give it to my son who as lived with a crack on his phone for over a year on his old LG, I would tell he could respond to my texts on onside and watch his facebook on the othter
I would use the two screens to compare items/products from different stores to get the best bargain.
compare shopping items…each side has similar product from different websites
I would use one screen to watch netflix while using the other one to check Facebook
I would leave my email up and Facebook on the other screen.
I’d have my email up on one screen and the internet on the other
I would surf the net and have a text conversation at the same time
Dual browser windows, or leave email up.
Play retro game!
I Will play on one screen while going on media social with the other
I would be texting while I surf the net.
check emails and browse shopping sites!
I would read the tweets of @socialitebooks, @BestBuyCanada, and @LGCanada on one screen and stalk their Facebook pages on the other. 🙂
Streaming and Games!
I would watch the Leafs game and text my buddies in the group chat!
Game on one and controller on other thanks a lot
Super, j’espère gagner
I could research information for my work, and share this information with my coworkers almost instantaneously.
I could multitask with this phone
Love it
Je ne sais pas encore comment je l’utiliserais car si je gagne ce serait la 1ère fois que j’aurais un téléphone intelligent. je pense que j’aimerais beaucoup ça.
oups! Je ne sais pas ce qui s’est passé. Le message devrait plutôt se lire: Si je gagne, je ne sais pas comment j’utiliserais ce téléphone intelligent car ce serait la 1ère fois que j’aurais un téléphone intelligent. Je pense que j’aimerais ça.
I can check emails on one and watch cooking shows on the other!
Oh my sweet goodness. A dual screen would mean I could potentially watch my shows while browsing the internet at the same time. Genius. That is definitely how I would use it!
Can’t wait to win this awesome #Giveaway
For to watch Netflix
I’m an illustrator, so often I’ll have music playing in one tab and reference in another, but with duel screens this would make my reference page full sized. This would be so helpful!
I would watch Netflix and text my wife
I am an older disabled senior & have no cell phone so I would love the adventure of learning to operate one Would keep my mind going & definitely thinking as I’m just learning my IPad I want to be techie like my daughter & she would be so jealous if I won
Great phone is live to have it!
I could actually operate an automated menu system and text at the same time instead of switching back and fourth so annoying!!!
Oh my! I could work on marking school work or watching a show while folding laundry and scrolling. Super multitasking!
I would probably use it for work as it would come in pretty handy !!
Would try it. My Sun would need that also
I would text my sister while I google a good shopping site.
I could shop on one screen and check emails on the other.
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