LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.
Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer
You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?
How to enter
Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.
This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.
Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.
Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
I would be able to open my emails or saved documents and use information for banking and other sites, this is an amazing idea
Twice as much mindless scrolling! (perhaps reddit and instagram at once)
enfin la liberté de sortir sans s’inquité de manquer un appel
I would use as a laptop as mine is so old I cannot download apps and use for Netflix and so much more
It would not be for me. My son work for thé City in network he would have good use for thé phone
For the pleasure 😉
Facebook and twitter at the same time.
Dual screens to convert the phone into a mini laptop.
To multitask
I would like to win an intelligent phone. Thank you for this promotion.
play a couple games at the same time
Regarder une émission et travailler sur l’autre écran
Messaging and playing games at the same time 🙂
I would watch Netflix and text friends.
I would watch Netflix and check Kijiji for hockey tickets!
dual screens for work!
Parler avec plusieurs membres de ma famille en même temps
I would use my WhatsApp to chat with friends while checking my emails.
I would be able to play a game and also listen to music at the same time
Wow to play and send email
Games games and more games
J aime écouter des livres audio, conférences et avec 2 écrans je pourrais recevoir mes courriers et messenger en même temps, formidable….
I would use the dual screens to watch a show while doing work on the other screen
Waiting time for my daughters activities would be spent at the library, using the headphones and making playlists on my music app while checking Kijiji for updates on wanted items.
Nice gift Thanks ! I ues one screen to play they other for facebook
Je pourrais écouter une émission et avoir accès à mes courriels en tout temps
Je n’ai pas de téléphone et cela me permettrait enfin d’envoyer des texto, de voir mes courriels.
Merci pour ce concours.
I would have my work email up on one screen and watch a soccer ⚽️ match on the other screen. Productivity and enjoyment at the same time!
I would use one screen to check through emails from work and the other to do debugging and programming our work pipeline!
Je pourrais enfin changer le miens qui a 6 ans et bug souvent. Servirait pour Email, jeux, réseaux sociaux et news.
I’d just find it convenient to use two apps at the same time, probably keep my mail app open at all times.
I would watch multiple shows at once.
I would use the dual screens to improve productivity.
J’aurais besoin d’un nouveau téléphone car le mien va très mal et pour moi, c’est très important d’avoir un téléphone intelligent car mon mari vit au Maroc ( nous attendons qu’il ait son visa) et c’est la seule façon pour nous de se voir au quotidien . Alors j’espère bien de gagner ce téléphone.
I would use one for email and one for social media
je veux participé a votre concours merci bien a vous.
I would let my teenage son use this. He would probably use both screens for games & texting to friends.
YouTube and email. Not exciting, but exciting for me!
I would use the two screens to multi-task.
Would watch my favorite show This is Us in one screen and have my daughter on FaceTime on the other so it would be like we are watching show together and chatting about it as it plays . Thx for opportunity! Happy New Years!
Texting on one screen with Best Buy website on the other
Gotta be honest – I’d be watching multiple NFL games on Sundays!
I would do work-related tasks and watch my favourite show at the same time.
Je n’ai pas de téléphone et cela me permettrait enfin d’envoyer des texto, de voir mes courriels, d’être toujours en contact, de jouer et encore plus. Je crois que cela changerait ma vie. Merci pour ce concours.
J’utiliserais un côté pour les courriels entrants et sortants et un côté pour Facebook, Météo Média et autres apps
I will use it too do multipical things like drawing writing listening and playing at the same time
I would use the dual screens to watch videos and to catch up on my emails and/or texting!
Mon téléphone ne va pas bien, je dois le changer
I would use the one screen for outlook and the other for Netflix or Disney plus!
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