You are very likely to find a gift that will make your mother very happy from the vast selection of smart home items at Best Buy. I call this contest the “Glow, grow, and show contest” because I’ve selected a range of smart home items to make any mom happy that either glow (Smart Lights), grow (Smart Garden), or show (Smart Display). Enter for a chance to win this prize package that includes 11 great prizes.
What do mothers really want
My mom is pretty smart. However, she is not really that up on the latest smart home technology. And I’m okay with that. As an employee at Best Buy, I kind of have an edge in that department. If I was going to choose something for her, it would likely be a Botanium Smart Planter that waters the plant on its own. If she didn’t want it, she could just give it back to me. I’d be okay with that too because she would be happy to know that I am happy with it.
Maybe you see where this article is going. We included a great selection of smart home technologies in this prize package, so that you would be able to find something there to give to your mom. She likely won’t want all of those prizes: so you can happily keep the rest. Your mom wants you to be happy … so, it’s a win-win scenario!
How to enter
Entering this contest is easy but you can only enter once. In a comment below, tell us one smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for your mom and one different item perfect for yourself.
What you can win
One winner will take home this great selection of smart home devices: 2 Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters, Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera, Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack, Facebook Portal 10″, 3 Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulbs, Philips Hue smart plug, and Philips Hue Play Light Bar.
This contest runs from May 4th until May 18th.
Remember you can only enter once but with so many items in this prize, share this contest with your friends and they might share the prize with you (and their mom!).
Win a Smart home package for your mother Contest Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
Planter for Muds and a google nest for me
I am a mother a son Ron and daughter Carrie and would love to win for me
My mom would love a new update to FaceTime her grand daughter during quarantine. I would love a new wireless speaker
My Mon passed away two years ago but she had a very green thumb and I know she would have loved for me to win the Smart Planters and start growing something! I would love the Nanoleaf Canvas pack to pretty up my house!
My mother in law would love the facebook portal to keep in touch with her new grandbaby in England.
My Mom would love the portal, and I would love the Hue products – I’m a Mom too!
My mom would love the Facebook Portal 10″ to keep in touch with all of her siblings who live so far away from her!
And I’d love the Philips Hue Play Light Bar Starter Kit!!! So cool!!
Both my mom and I would love the Botanium self-watering smart planter but I would also love the Nanoleaf canvases. Fingers crossed 🙂
A Facebook portal would do my Mom some good as she lives 16 hours away. If she had one she could see her grandkids more!!
My mom is big time into growing, so the Click and Grow Smart Indoor Garden seems like something she would love.
As for me….that nanoleaf canvas could really make my space seem like something beautiful.
My mom would love a new laptop – hers is breaking apart!
I would love an iPad mini so I can read my books during this quarantine
Mum would love the facebook portal – facebook messenger for kids allows the grandkids to send her all the face filters- she would love viewing them on a bigger screen.
for me the Botanium smart planter would keep the plants alive!
My mum and I both love gardening. She would love the click and grow smart indoor garden and I would go for the self-watering smart planter. Thanks for the contest!
For my daughter who is also a mom the Pawbo+ Wireless Interactive Pet Camera and for me the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter.
My Mom, Mary Walker, would love the ” Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters”. She turned 96 in March and is still pretty active with her Walker. She has a very green thumb and has many plants in her house and soon to be in her garden with the help of one of my 9 sisters.
My Mum would love the Nespresso Vertuo Coffee machine, as she loves coffee, and I would love the Musica Hall MMF Turntable, as I love music (like most people :))
Great contest! So the smart home item available at Best Buy that would be just perfect for my mom is the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter – she’d love it! I’d be thrilled to win the Nest Cam since we already use other Nest products in our home.
My mom would be glad to have a Facebook Portal 10” as she prefer communication through big screen than a phone.
For me Google Nest Cam would be best option to keep an eye on everything home.
for my mom the security camera and me the Botanium planter
For my mom… evens though i do the gardening for her (due to having the green thumb in the family) it would be great for her and easier for her to use one of these. Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter. Or evens the portal to be able to see the virtually see the grandkids during these times. I would use Philips Hue Play Light Bar Starter Kit… just for casual use but would be great for photography tricks and 100 other uses.
My mom would love the Botanium smart planter
I would like the smart alarm system for myself and I think my Mom would like the security camera.
How to choose??
Okay, so I think Mom would love the Hydorponic system (so many dead plants over the years) oopsie!
As for me, I would love to get more security in my home so that camera setup looks yummy!
The smart home item available at Best Buy which would be perfect for my mother is the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter. This neat little gadget can redefine gardening, as it looks like a real game changer in the way of caring for plants. As for me, the smart home item perfect for myself is the Facebook Portal 10″. It’s my ideal gadget for displaying photos in my home, as well as for video calls with my family and friends.
I would love to win this truly awesome Mother’s Day prize package. It would make for a most special Mother’s Day. Thank you so much Best Buy for the opportunity.
The Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine would be great for me (and when mom comes visit too). For her a nice big TV would be an amazing gift, maybe the Samsung 65″ 4K UHD HDR Curved LED Tizen Smart TV
My Momylove would love the Google Nest camera to be able to care for her brother even when she’s at work. My mom devoted her life to take care of others. She promised her mom that she will take care of her brother who is physically challenged due to a stroke several years back. Knowing that she has a Nest camera at home that she can use will give her great peace of mind while tending to her patients at work. I would also choose the Nest camera and gift her mine so she can have two. I love you Mom
Mom would love to get a brand new Google Nest Wi-Fi Smart Learning Thermostat 3rd Generation – Stainless Steel and I would love to get the Google Nest Cam Wi-Fi Security Camera – 3 Pack so I can feel safer in my home and when I’m traveling.
My daughter is the mom in our family right now, so for her I would love the Google Nest Cam.
For myself, the Nana, I think I’d like to try the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter
The Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planter would be perfect for my mom and the smart light bulb would be great for me.
I would give my mom the Google Nest and I would love to get the self watering planter!
She would really like the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter – which would be great for growing all kind of herbs; she loves using fresh herbs when cooking!
I would choose the Philips Hue White G25 Filament Smart Bluetooth LED light bulbs. Love the warm light.
I would love to give my daughter the Google Nest and I would like the Botanium Hydroponic planter.
My mom would love google nest home so she always knows the weather…or get recipes!
Mom would love these prizes and i would so enjoy giving them all to her. Those she cannot use i would love giving them all away to friends and other Mothers
would love the Botanium Hydroponic smart planter for mom and for me the google nest
I would like the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters because I need all the help I can get when growing things. My mom would like the Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera so she can keep an eye on things!
Perfect for my mum is the Hydorponic system as then she can grow her stuff. Perfect for me is the camera t oset up a security monitor.
I’d love for my mum to have the smart planter as she’s a senior and this would be good for her and I’d love the indoor wifi camera to keep an eye on my dogs
Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter for my mom, and a Google Nest Cam IQ Wi-Fi Indoor 1080p IP Camera for myself.
The Nest Cam for my mom(in-law) and the Smart Planter for me please. Or vice versa.
My mom would love the Google Nest camera to make sure the house is safe and I would like the light bulbs so I can make sure I don’t forget any lights on.
My mom would love the smart planter, so she could travel and not worry about asking someone to water her plants. I would definitely enjoy the smart light bulb, so I don’t need to get up to turn my lights off at night.
The Botanium Smart Planter would be perfect for my mom and Nest Cam would be great for me.
The kids say that Mom would LOVE the planter. I, myself, would love the nest camera. Happy Mother’s Day. xo
For mom.
Facebook Portal 10″ – For making it easy to talk with the grand kids.
For me.
Nanoleaf Canvas and Expansion Pack – My moms always saying I need to decorate my house more. 🙂
I think the one smart home item available at Best Buy that would be perfect for my Mom is the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planters and the perfect item for me is Nanoleaf Canvas & Expansion Pack.
Thank you for the opportunity. Stay Safe!
One smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for my mom is the Botanium Hydroponic Smart Planter. She has a keen interest in gardening, and is the only one with a real green thumb in our family.
One smart home item available at Best Buy that is perfect for myself is the Philips Hue White Filament Smart Bluetooth LED Lightbulb. I am all for saving both energy and the environment, so these latest and greatest lightbulbs would be a wonderful addition to my home.
Oooooh….. my mom would LOVE the Botanium Hydroponic Self-Watering Smart Planter!! I never knew this even existed! She would be blown away! As for me, I would appreciated having the Google Nest Cam so that I can keep an eye on everything and everyone in the house, including the dog!! Thank you for the opportunity!!!
My Mother would love the Hydroponic Smart Planter and me the Google Nest Cam.
the smart planter for mom, pet feeder for myself
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