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Shelly’s Friday Favourites hits the road for a culinary adventure: last stop, Boudin’s San...
A road trip wouldn’t be a road trip if it didn’t come to a conclusion, and although it was hard to leave Orange County, we pulled out and headed north. Destination? San Francisco and Fisherman’s Wharf, home of sour dough bread so amazing I’ve spent the two years since our last trip trying to replicate it. I’m getting more successful with each try!
Shelly’s Friday Favourites hits the road for a culinary adventure: second stop, Disneyland
Our road trip continues with a good old-fashioned pit stop at the Happiest Place on Earth. For some people, going to Disneyland means hitting all the shows, parades, and attractions. We like to do that too, but because we have annual passes and go so often, we’ve added to our adventure by becoming hunters for the best dishes and treats in the park. There are a lot of treats to be had, and they’re more delicious than you may think.
Shelly’s Friday Favourites hits the road for a culinary adventure: first stop the Waffle...
We’re off on a kid-friendly culinary adventure this week. During our 20 or so hour trek down the West Coast to Disneyland, we’re hitting some great little food stops along the way. First stop-the Waffle Window in Portland!
Get cooking with the Kenwood Triblade Hand Blender
After I tested the Kenwood Blend X-Pro last week, I realized the latest blenders have more functions than almost any other appliance in my kitchen. Now that I’ve tried out the Kenwood Triblade Hand Blender, I’m really in awe of how far blenders have come in the past five years.
Wedding gift checklist for the bride and groom – combining two homes
When some people get married, they light a unity candle to symbolize two lives becoming one. But with more and more people moving out and buying their first home long before they find a potential partner, getting married means more than just two lives becoming one—it means two homes becoming one as well.
Shelly’s Friday Favourites experiments with spices
I’ll come right out and admit it. Until fairly recently, I wasn’t a big fan of experimenting with spices. Part of the reason was because I was stuck in a rut after years of cooking for kids who would turn their noses up at anything that wasn’t completely traditional. Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and even spaghetti sauce-if I added even a touch of spice, they wouldn’t eat it and I’d end up making them something else. Now that I’ve started experimenting with spices, I’ve taken the most basic dishes I’ve always cooked and jazzed them up until they are virtually unrecognizable. Here are three of my favourite recipes to get you started experimenting with spices.
Wedding gift checklist for the couple moving out of their parent’s house
Here’s what you’re going to need to ask for if you’re moving out on your own with your spouse for the first time!
Shelly’s Friday Favourites shows you how to experiment with root vegetables
With root vegetables, every traditional meal you serve could have a new and interesting taste. Kick your comfort food to the curb, try these recipes, then weigh in on what you think about the root vegetable food trend.
CES 2015 Smart Home Roundup Day 1: HomeKit and NEST
The world is watching CES right now, especially with intent on Smart Home and Wearables, two of the categories poised to explode with this year’s announcements. With lots to cover in the next few days, we stop in on the first products announced for the iOS HomeKit and the growth of the Works with NEST program
Shelly’s Friday Favourites presents Good Luck Recipes for a Prosperous and Happy New Year
If you’re looking for some good luck recipes to start your New Year off on the right foot, look no further – I’ve got a few great good luck dishes for you to choose from.