kitchen appliance - search results
Back to school – Don’t leave home without these everyday essentials
It’s important to break your ‘must haves’ into ‘absolutely pack’ long before you head out the door. For some people the ‘absolutely pack’ includes everything but the kitchen sink, but because I’ve been there and done that, I can definitely share what you can safely leave behind and what is absolutely essential to bring when you’re heading back to school.
Summer sides from the garden to your table – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
The amazing thing about summer vegetables is that you can make a new side dish for dinner every single night. Some of them are so good you may just opt out of a main course and stick to your sides.
Get squeaky clean dishes every time with Bosch dishwashers!
As a part of their appliance expansion, Best Buy is now offering a selection of Bosch dishwashers!
Bring out your inner chef with a stove from Bosch!
Best Buy will soon be offering a wide range of Bosch stoves!
Summer recipes, Canadian style – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
This past week our country turned 147 years old, and although it’s a relative youngster in terms of countries, (after all, our neighbor to the south is ripe, old 238 today) I think it’s established itself very well. When you think of Canada you think of polite people, wide, open spaces, 4 very definite seasons of weather, and last but not least, hockey. But let’s not forget that we’re also a culture based on a wide variety of delicious dishes too, and because of those definite weather cycles, there are some uniquely Canadian recipes that are only really available to be made in the summer.
Summer desserts you can make with your kids – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
I love heat and sunshine, but I still think summer desserts are one of the best parts of summer. Because we’re celebrating my daughter’s elementary school graduation this weekend, I’ve been in the kitchen with kids and up to my elbows in summer desserts. Here’s what’s been chilling out in my kitchen this week.
Before you hit the road, check out this road trip food planner – Shelly’s...
I’ve learnt a lot about how to travel with kids over the years, but the number one thing on my road trip checklist is always road trip snacks. Packing your own snacks saves you time and money while you drive, and because you aren’t always stopping for fast food, you can eat healthier too.
Keep your food fresher longer with Frigidaire fridges!
Best Buy is continuing to expand their appliances! Take a look at the some of the great Frigidaire fridges that will soon be available at Best Buy!
World’s best lasagna recipes – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
From summer potlucks to a cozy winter dinner, lasagna is just one of those pasta recipes that taste great no matter what time of the year it is. Get ready to shake your pasta maker, because we’re going to make the world’s best lasagna.
Make your own Chinese Food at home – Shelly’s Friday Favourites
Good Chinese food or Chinese takeout can be hard to come by. So what to do when you get a craving for Chinese food but you don’t know where to order from? You can jump online and hit up Yelp or other review sites, looking for a recommendation. Or, you can do what I finally started to do – make it yourself. Creating Chinese food at home isn’t hard at all, and if you have the right tools it’s a fast, easy way to get your Chinese food fix. Here are a few of my favourite make-at-home Chinese food recipes: