A great projector, like the light and versatile Epson EpiqVision Mini EF12 laser projector, creates many entertainment possibilities. You could use it in the living room instead of having a television. You could move it around to other rooms or even outdoors. As you read this article and learn about the amazing projector we are giving away in this contest, think about how you would use it in your own life.

Epson projectors are more than just for occasional movie nights

I have owned several projectors over the years. When my kids were young, the projector would move from bedrooms to the basement to the outdoors … depending on who had a sleepover and many other factors. At that time, I had purchased a home office Epson, not knowing much about what my options were (this was before I started working for Best Buy!). Now I would be more selective, opting for the longevity and brightness of a laser projector. However, we had a ton of fun.

Projectors are easy to setup and simple to operate. The one we are giving away in this contest has built-in Android apps: simply connect to Netflix, Prime video, etc or stream from your phone. Epson makes it so easy. I encourage you to read the review and watch the review video that Andy Baryer did recently to learn about this projector so you can start to plan how you would use it.

Why I think everyone should own a projector

If you can have only one home theatre display, then I suggest you seriously consider making it a projector like the Epson we are giving away in this contest. Here are my top 3 reasons:

  1. Fits into the smallest apartment: projectors take up a lot less room than a TV, so even a tiny apartment has room for one.
  2. Creates a big image: you can’t imagine how much better a huge screen is when watching almost anything. Move the projector back a bit for an even bigger image.
  3. Feels like a cinematic experience: for me, watching a movie or sports from a projector feels amazingly immersive. Partly nostalgic, I’m sure, yet it doesn’t get old.

I’m not saying throw out your TV. Most home living rooms, family rooms, even bedrooms are great with a TV. And TVs are less washed out by bright sunlight. However, a projector like the one we are giving away is more versatile: take it anywhere. And no one ever planned an outdoor movie night with their huge 85″ living room TV. With a projector you can easily have a screen that’s well over 100″.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in three (3) different ways

  1. In a comment below, tell us at least two places where your family would use this projector on a regular basis.
  2. In a comment below the review article by Andy Baryer, tell us about two features that Andy mentions that you like about this projector.
  3. For up to two (2) additional entries, create a public post on a social media channel (one entry per channel!) telling your friends and followers that you are entering to win an Epson Laser Projector from Best Buy; include the hashtag #BBYEpsonContest, so we can find your post, and include a picture of the projector prize like that shown here or above. Then return here and tell us in a comment below, on which channel you posted it and the name of your channel (since many people use pseudonyms) so that we can check and verify your entry. You can use any social media channel (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc) but the post must be public so we can verify it is there. Add one comment below for each social media channel for up to 2 contest entries.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner from all eligible entries to receive the Epson EpiqVision Mini EF12 laser projector that was reviewed on the blog.

This contest runs from July 26th to Aug 8th.

Remember you can enter in three different ways. Maximize your likelihood of winning by telling your spouse to enter, by telling your mom to enter, and by telling your friends to enter for you (promising to let them use it every third Thursday of the month if they do happen to win … for you!).

Win an Epson EpiqVision Laser Projector Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would use this either in my garage/workspace, or outside on my deck – projecting onto my house!

  2. Large Basement Bedroom
    Outside on Deck While in Hottub

    I love that I could play podcasts on it from my phone when I wasn’t using the screen
    Another feature I really love was the sleep timer

  3. I would move this thing around from the backyard to the bedrooms it would be so nice to have portability.

  4. Looks awesme – we would use this on our dining room wall and down in our rumpas room, this would make either a total VIBE! would be great when entertaining 🙂

    • sorry for the double post, it said I posted a duplicate comment the first time I tried.. *thinking face*

  5. we would use this on our dining room wall and down in our rumpas room, this would make either a total VIBE!

  6. My family would use the Epson EpiqVision Mini EF12 laser projector in the backyard and in the living room on a regular basis!

  7. We would use it in our family room and our outside deck I like the ease of being able to project on screens or flat surfaces and will display up to 150″ in size

  8. Definitely would use this projector in 1. Basement Family Room and 2. Backyard patio wall for summer movies with friends

  9. I’d use the projector at home to watch movies and I’d take it to family events to play movies for the kids.

  10. My hubby and I would use this in our backyard for all the kids, maybe take it camping or for family outings for everyone to enjoy

  11. I like that the projectors take up a lot less room than a TV and still creates a big image. I think it will still feel like a cinematic experience

  12. The Epson EpiqVision Mini EF12 laser projector would be perfect in our living room or the back yard!

  13. This would be great to use in the living room then take it out to the back yard without all the fuss of moving a full sized TV

  14. Would be great for sports events in the living room and outside family movie night at the cabin

  15. We would use this in our living room and in our basement rec room …. the two most used spaces in our home.

  16. Auto picture skew and focus correction corrects the alignment and focus automatically when projected onto a wall
    The Epson EpiqVision Mini EF12 has two 5W Yamaha speakers built-in. The sound quality of the speaker is impressive and really adds to the cinematic experience.
    I would use this projector in my second bedroom as a home theater replacement. Secondly I would use this unit to hook up my phone and or laptop projected on the bigger screen.

    posted on face under @AdrianoBosa and Instagram #ItalianBosa

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