Google Sustainability Nest devices

Google has a line of smart home products that make homes more efficient, convenient, and sustainable. In this article, we will explore how Google Nest products contribute to sustainability by saving energy, using efficient packaging, and incorporating sustainable materials.

Google Sustainability Nest Thermostat

Saving Energy with Google Nest

One of the primary ways that Google Nest products contribute to sustainability is by saving energy. For example, the Nest Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat learns a household’s temperature preferences and automatically adjust the temperature. This happens when the house is empty, or when people are sleeping. This feature helps reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. In fact, Nest Thermostats have saved 121 Billion kWh of energy. The Nest Thermostat also provides homeowners with detailed energy reports and recommendations on how to save even more energy.

Google Sustainability - Nest Wi-Fi Pro

Another example of energy-saving Nest products is the Nest Audio Smart Speaker, which features a voice-activated assistant. The Nest Audio enclosure is constructed from post-consumer recycled plastic. This includes textile made from recycled water bottles. With Google Assistant, homeowners can control their smart home devices, including lights, and thermostats without having to manually adjust them. This reduces unnecessary energy usage. 

Efficient Packaging

In addition to saving energy, Google Nest products also contribute to sustainability by using efficient packaging. The company has made a commitment to reducing the amount of waste generated by its packaging.  They did this by using sustainable materials and reduced the overall size of packaging.

The packaging of the Nest Learning Thermostat is made from 100% recyclable materials. The Nest Wi-Fi Pro is made with over 60% recycled materials based on product weight. The company also uses a special packaging design. This eliminates the need for additional plastic bags or wrapping materials, reducing waste. and improving the sustainability of its products.

The use of sustainable materials not only reduces waste but also helps to promote the use of more sustainable manufacturing practices. By incorporating recycled materials into its products, Google is helping to create a market for sustainable materials and encouraging other companies to follow suit.

Google Nest and sustainability

Google Sustainability - Nest

Google Nest products contribute to sustainability in a variety of ways. This includes saving energy, using efficient packaging, and incorporating sustainable materials. These efforts not only reduce the environmental impact of the products but also provide homeowners with tools to live more sustainable lifestyles. As the world continues to focus on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints, companies like Google have an important role to play in creating more sustainable products and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

Andy Baryer
Andy Baryer aka “Handy Andy” is a technology journalist, gadget reviewer, and DIY/how-to content creator. Known as the handyman of tech, Andy enjoys fixing poor wireless networks, building smart homes, and cooking with the latest kitchen gadgets. He’s a competitive whistler, a budding woodworker, and loves gardening in his home-built smart garden.