Tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts

     Hacking into mobile accounts is all over the news these days, with either cyber criminals compromising consumer data, or the FBI wanting to break into criminals’ phones for evidence. Security is on everyone’s minds and you should be thinking about it, too. Your first line of defence for any mobile account, of course, is a solid and strong password. So, stop using “password” or your cat’s name, and read on for a few tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts.

Cleaning Your TV Screen – The Do’s and Don’ts


    When was the last time you cleaned your TV screen?  How did you do it? For something that you probably spend so much time looking at, you really should clean it every now and then – every HDTV needs it at some point. The screen is electrostatic so it will attract dust and dirt, plus the occasional beer or other spray won’t help you see a clear picture. Cleaning it seems like a simple thing to do, but you really need to be careful as you could ruin the screen.

Welcome back Pumpkin Spice: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

It's that time of the year again: pumpkin spice fever has hit and there's so many different pumpkin spice options you're going to have a hard time just sticking to the classics.

How to create amazing portraits for every room in your home

Remember when you were growing up and people used to hang family photos all over the house? Well I think it’s time to revisit that tradition and start framing some photos for our walls. Today I’m going to give you some ideas to help you get started.

5 Breakfast Ideas Using a Muffin Tin

Breakfast is the most important meal. Every nutritionist will boast to eat (something healthy) within two hours after waking up. Now that back to school is here and you’re going to be in a bigger rush than the summer month, here are five fast and easy breakfast recipes using a muffin pan. 

How to stay motivated to stick to your exercise routine

Sticking to your exercise routine can be so difficult at times, but there are some great tips, techniques and gadgets to help keep you on track. Read on to see what can help you stay motivated to stay your healthiest.

How to protect your data like a pro

Given the amount of money we spend on things like smartphones, tablets and PCs it’s understandable that physical protection—cases, covers, screen protectors and laptop bags—are big business. What’s on these devices is often overlooked, though. If your basement floods and your PC is submerged you can buy a new PC. If you haven’t backed up the data on that computer’s drive, you have a much bigger problem and files like your digital photos, school work  and music could be gone for good. Don’t let that happen. Here’s how to protect your data like a pro.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites hits the road for a culinary adventure: last...

A road trip wouldn’t be a road trip if it didn’t come to a conclusion, and although it was hard to leave Orange County, we pulled out and headed north. Destination? San Francisco and Fisherman’s Wharf, home of sour dough bread so amazing I’ve spent the two years since our last trip trying to replicate it. I’m getting more successful with each try!

Shelly’s Friday Favourites raids the garden for back to school dinner...

I love fall: the leaves falling from the trees, the crisp, fresh air, and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes back in the stores. After this long, hot summer we’ve had with very little rain, I was so happy to turn the page to September. The one thing I’ve really been looking forward to is getting back into my cooking routine. We’ve been eating so casually for so long because of our home reno and the heat, I literally can’t wait to make a huge meal. What I’m not interested in is doing a lot of dishes, and that’s why I’ve been sourcing out some great one-pot meals for everyone to try.

3 Easy-as BBQ Recipes to kick off Spring

Summer is just around the corner, and with this amazing weather it feels like it’s already here. I know that I’ve already started BBQ’ing, mainly because it makes meal times so easy and there’s little clean up involved after. Read on for some great BBQ recipes that you should try out this summer.