5 Breakfast Ideas Using a Muffin Tin

Breakfast is the most important meal. Every nutritionist will boast to eat (something healthy) within two hours after waking up. Now that back to school is here and you’re going to be in a bigger rush than the summer month, here are five fast and easy breakfast recipes using a muffin pan. 

6 Ways to Use Mint

Mints! Not the surgery candy treats you get at the restaurants but the herbs grown in the garden.  Mint compliments our guilty pleasures like cocktails and ice cold treats, but it also gives a nice kick to any meal. Not to forget, it makes refreshing beverages that are both satisfying and detoxifying. Let’s get started on the 6 ways to use mint: 

Homemade Ice Cream Treats To Die For

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!    The summer ain’t over yet (thank goodness), and the heat is a perfect excuse to have more ice cream—not like that stops you in the winter! But when it’s hot outside, the chimes of the ice cream truck make your inner child jump for joy. Here are 5 cool treats you can make at home. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourites shares why you need to take a toaster...

Over the past few weeks we’ve been compiling a list of the best appliances to take along to your dorm room and a few recipes you can whip up with each of them. We’ve looked at rice cookers, slow cookers, and microwaves, and this week we’re going to head into toaster territory and explore why you should bring a toaster oven with you when you go back to school.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites has back to school slow cooker meals for...

The phrase “starving student” doesn’t just refer to not having the money to eat, although that’s not a stretch when you consider the high cost of tuition, books, and living accommodations when you’re going away to school. Some students go hungry just because they aren’t quite sure how to quickly whip up a meal in their dorm room or first apartment. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourites Whips Up Some Wedding Cake Pops

For the past few weeks Shelly’s Friday Favourites has focused on foodie trends, and we’ve covered gourmet popcorn (with bacon), berry creations, and even artisan homemade ketchup. This week we’re branching out a bit and heading into wedding territory to explore another food trend—cake pops.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites pops some fancy popcorn (and you have to...

If you’re tired of the same old, same old popcorn, you’re in for a treat. Popcorn has exploded (pun intended) onto the food scene this year and changed up the way people are making popcorn. Try a few of these recipes, and you’ll never look at your buttered bowl of popcorn the same way again.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites goes berry wild

It’s berry season on the west coast again—a time I look forward to every year! Although most people think of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries as their go-to berries for baking, freezing, or just eating off the vine, I’ve been lucky enough to get out there in the bushes and discover a few berries that don’t seem to get the same love as our popular friend the strawberry.

Bake your way to a great date night with the one...

Summer is here and if you need some ideas for a fun summer date, I’ve got a great summer date night idea for you: summer make or bake nights are the perfect way to spend quality time with the one you love.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites creates artisan ketchup

If you want to add a bit of kick to your weekend BBQ, look beyond eye level on a grocery store shelf and you’ll see little gems like sriracha mayo, gourmet mustard, and organic flavoured ketchups. These condiments taste pretty great when you get them from the store, so can you imagine what they’d taste like if you started with fresh ingredients and made them yourself?