Enter for a chance to win a new musical instrument from...

Celebrate the latest and greatest new musical equipment announced at Namm 2021 by entering to win an instrument from Best Buy.

Yamaha P-145 digital piano review

The Yamaha P-145 is an excellent choice if you are looking for a quality, and streamlined digital piano to begin your musical journey.

The Best Piano for You: Acoustic vs. Digital

Choose the best piano for you. Here are some pros and cons about acoustic and digital pianos to help get you started making this important decision.

Guitar buying guide

Are you interested in pickup up the guitar, but feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless quantity of models available? Use this guide to help you choose the right instrument, according to your needs.

IK Multimedia iRig content creation gear review

If you create content with your mobile device, IK Multimedia has some interesting tools to get the best possible audio and video quality.

12 Days of Christmas – Day 6 is Epiphone electric guitars

Day 6 of the 12 days of Christmas is dedicated to the Epiphone Electric Guitars. These models offer a tremendous value and will be enjoyed for many years to come!

Epiphone Les Paul Special II Plus Top review

The Epiphone Les Paul Special II Plus Top is an elegant, affordable gateway into the beautiful world of the Les Paul.

Give the gift of music with a brand new guitar or...

The gift of music keeps on giving. This Holiday Season, consider offering a memorable present such as a piano or guitar.

Zoom H5 Audio Recorder is a videographer’s best friend

Recording decent audio for video production is arguably the most difficult aspect of the video making process. The Zoom H5 with its quality and ease of use just made this process a whole lot friendlier.

NAMM Day 1 Wrap Up

Even though I’ve been here before, NAMM is exciting, overwhelming, thrilling and exhausting. The first day was a hit-the-ground-running experience even though my brain and gear-geek self were asking my body and schedule to slow down. My francophone co-hort (Marc-Andre) and I caught up on each others’ past year, took a spin through the exhibit floor, saw a lot of new and familiar faces and, most importantly, took lots of photos, videos and notes on lots of interesting things!