Best Buy has the tech
you need to achieve the seemingly impossible. Ever wanted to go skydiving? Ever dreamed about free-climbing to the top of El Capitan? Or how about creating your own catchy dance video and watching it light the internet up? We get it. We at Best Buy believe that technology has the power to help you reach your goals, whatever they are.

We all have goals we want to achieve, milestones we want to hit, or amazing experiences we want to live. But sometimes life throws us a curveball, and we don’t always see an easy way of reaching our goals. Thankfully, technology has advanced to the point that, if we have a goal, there are devices that can help us achieve it.

Watch the video below to see how we helped one customer see the possibilities of tech and create a special experience for her mother, then read the rest of this article to learn how you or someone you love can have a chance to win a $750 Best Buy gift certificate to bring each of you closer to achieving your goals.

anything is possible contest banner image

Discover what’s possible with new tech from Best Buy

Do you have a dream that can become a reality with some tech from Best Buy? Perhaps you want to learn a new skill like creating your own clever app for phones and tablets—you might need a new laptop. Or, if you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument you can order a guitar or piano online and in a few days you can get started!

Perhaps you have been wanting to help a friend or family member get closer to realizing their dreams and this article has provided the inspiration you needed. There is no better time than right now to take that first step toward your goal, or to help someone else take that first step toward theirs. We are giving away valuable gift certificates in this contest that you can put toward anything sold online or in-store at Best Buy.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter once for yourself and once for someone you know:

  1. Leave a comment below this article and tell us one of your goals and what tech available at Best Buy would help you realize that “Anything is Possible.”
  2. Send an email to “ AND CC a friend or family member so they are aware that you entered them in this contest. In the subject line put: “Anything is possible with Best Buy contest” and in the body of the email tell us who you are nominating to win this contest and what tech available at Best Buy you think will help that friend or family member realize that “Anything is possible.”

NOTE: do not put your friend or family member’s name or personal email in the comments below; they should only be mentioned in the email.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will randomly select one winner from all comments left on the blog article for this contest (French and English) AND randomly select two winners from all nominations sent via email. Each winner will receive a Best Buy Canada Gift Certificate worth $750.

This contest runs from June 3th until July 9th.

Remember you can enter once for yourself in a blog comment AND once for someone you know and love and want to have a chance to realize their dreams in an email as mentioned above.

Anything is possible with tech Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. My goal is to have a capable laptop to do my work, one that doesn’t overheat and glitch out.

  2. My goal is to work from home once I’ve completed my masters program and a new laptop would allow me to do that. Thanks for the chance!

  3. A good drone would be great, take it to the farm and use it to keep an eye on the Bison

  4. My goal is to stay connected and to take more photos of friends and family. A new phone would help with that!

  5. I’ve been stuck working from home, tethered to my office desktop. Would absolutely love a new, larger screened laptop so I can move my office outside to enjoy this lovely weather we’re starting to get. Make the best of a lousy situation.

  6. I am not techie but the husband is. He would probably want security cameras and anyhting “smart”

  7. I want to go on adventures and take awesome pictures! a canon camera would help me create great memories

  8. My goal is to have a laptop that can handle the pressure of every day online use, without overheating to much.

  9. my goal is to buy a laptop because mine is too slow and full of glitches and impossible to live stream on it.

  10. My goal is to go back and study as a health care assistant then eventually be a nurse here in Canada. My only problem right now is I couldn’t afford to buy my own laptop as I’m saving some money for my tuition. I hope and I pray that if I win in this contest, I’ll be able to fulfill my dreams. I love taking care of people who are sick, injured and dying. I guess it is my passion as I’m a registered nurse in my country the Philippines. Thanks for this amazing opportunity. Godbless!

  11. A goal of mine would be to get a new laptop and use it for when I go back to college to further my education

  12. My daughter would love to play electric guitar and I could help her see that with the right tools anything is possible

  13. My goal is to spend time watching my new granddaughter (due date July 22, 2021) growup…through face timing on a new laptop….i live in Edmonton …she will be in Langley!

  14. My goal is to upgrade our entertainment space. I would love some surround sound speakers! Thanks for the chance!!

  15. My goal is to automate the lighting in my house with using the great products available.

  16. Would like a “follow me” drone with camera to record us when we go cycling. Also the latest Apple watch to record heart rate and O2.

  17. My goal is how to use a cell phone to take amazing photos and use them creatively to share montages, videos, etc.

  18. I could put a few technical goals.
    One would be to get at self teaching keyboard at Best Buy and learn to play it.

  19. get back in shape & since I scratched up my watch face need a new apple watch asap.

  20. One of my goals is to spend more time exploring my passion, photography. I’d love to start this journey with a new camera that is easy to use and still gives me great quality pictures like the CANON EOS Rebel.

  21. My goal is to increase my income and a new smartphone from Best Buy would help me open the calculator faster than my current phone, allowing me to quickly calculate the assets I have now and figure out the best job for me to apply for looking at salaries, chances at climbing the ladder and commuting distances. Winning this prize and advancing my career would certainly make me see that anything is possible.

  22. My goal is to write and illustrate a children’s book. An iPad would help me reach this goal!

  23. My goal is to take better pictures with a smartphone and winning would allow me to do this.

  24. One of my goals is to learn how to play a new musical instrument. The electronic drum sets at Best Buy would help me achieve this goal and realize anything is possible.

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