Prepare for the Great Canadian Winter: soups and stews will get...
It’s officially fall, and that means we are well on our way to our great Canadian winter. There are some great ways to be well prepared for whatever fall and winter decides to throw at us. I think that last wind storm really gave most of us a scare, and I for one don’t want to be battling hungry people at whatever store and restaurant has power. My plan is to have some easy soups and stew ingredients on hand ready for last minute meals and in case of a power outage. Read on for some quick and easy recipes.
Prepare for a great Canadian winter: Prepare your home for cold...
Don’t shoot the messenger, but winter is coming! Now that I live in Toronto, I’m getting chills of dread because winter is miserable in the east. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but there are a few months where it gets tough and my face feels numb. I’m sure that like me, many of you will be spending more time at home, as the weather grows colder. So, here are some options to keep you warm while you watch TV or to just keep your home an optimal temperature no matter where you are.
Chill out or warm up with the Dyson Hot+Cool AM09
It’s only September in Canada, but if you live in a house where you’ve got spotty heating, you’re already going to be feeling a little frosty on some mornings. It’s months like these the Dyson Hot+Cool AM09 really shines. It can take a chilly room and turn it cozy for everyone in it, and if the sun decides to beat into your windows, you can flip the switch and enjoy a focused stream of cool air.
How I began my farmhouse home renovation: choosing appliances
For the next few weeks I’ll be talking home renovations, and if you’re about to start renovating an older home or move into a house you plan on changing and you’re wondering how the process works, read on. From the planning stages to tips on turning your home into a smart home, I’ve either been there or am in the process of being there, and what I’ve found is that renovations aren’t as scary when you’ve got someone else’s experiences to compare to.
Best bar fridges for back to school as rated by our...
We’ve been talking about some great small appliances for back to school as rated by you, our Best Buy customers. This week we’ll see how having your own bar fridge can make a difference in your dorm room or apartment living.
Morning Rituals from 5 Successful Entrepreneurs
Mornings can be tough, especially when you want to hit that snooze button. Or when your kids wake you up too early. Or when you aren’t happy at your job and have to survive a long day at work. But sometimes a shift in attitude or routine is all you need. Many successful people have morning rituals to help kickstart their productivity. Before you roll your eyes, take a look at how the following entrepreneurs begin their day.
What appliances should I take to my dorm room?
As crazy as it sounds, a new school year is just around the corner. How did that happen? I haven’t even started my New Years resolutions yet! But there’s no getting around it, September will be here before you know it, so if you’re heading off to university this fall, now is the time to start collecting everything you need to make your dorm as comfortable as possible–including these essential dorm room appliances.
How will the Internet of Things affect students?
An increasing number of devices and gadgets are coming out that can connect to the online world and generate and report content on their own. But how will the so-called Internet of Things (ioT) – the bringing together of our physical and virtual worlds – change how we educate, and benefit students of the future?
My favourite appliances for back to school
There’s a little known fact no one told me about being a parent: when you finally have some dedicated free time, your creativity goes into overdrive. When all my kids go back to school I pull out my favourite appliances and create all of those great dishes I stopped making when it warmed up outside. Read on for my favourite appliances for back to school.
Best Microwaves for Back to School as Rated by Best Buy...
Two weeks ago I posted an article called “Best Slowcookers for Back to School as Rated by Customers.” Today, in hopes of helping those on the verge of returning to University & College, I consider the top 5 microwave ovens for back to school as rated by Best Buy customers. Read on to learn all about the very best microwave ovens currently available at Best Buy. These are your very own opinions, so you know the information here is highly valuable. Click on through to give it a look!